Is it a personal blog?
Part I through Part V dealt with various ways we could beat the vices that naturally fights against generating fresh content on personal blogs. We later noted that we could apply the proffered solutions on any type of blog.
The second section started with the question:
Do you have a given boundary?
A given boundary refers to blogs that are tied to a particular theme, subject matter or niche. You can find answers to this in Part VI and Part VII the current page you are on. Part VIII deals with the second “Out There” answer
If this is the first time you are joining us, kindly click on the link to get to the previous parts of these series Part I, Part II, Part III, Part IV, Part V, Part VI, and Part VII
The question we are addressing is:
Do you have a given boundary?
Out There Answer 2
This is another one of my personal cannibalization of meaning (although mine is not too far from the true meaning of the word). It is when you draw similarities from other fields and juxtapose them with your blog theme. That is you can take a topic from any field and dress that topic or event up in the theme of your blog. It is about looking for similarities and lessons that can be drawn from one event or field and applied to your area of concern.
This is not so difficult to apply. The first thing is to have a good grasp of your topic of interest or what your blog is all about. The more you know about the theme or subject matter of your blog, the better you are able to juxtapose (correlate) it with other issues.
Every human endeavor is connected. You can always find something in something else if you look hard enough. The trick is not really in how hard you look but what you know of one area. If you know enough in one area you can find a connection in another area.
Juxtaposition gives you a unique window to view events. You get to see something of what you know in another field in the event that is under observation. This is a great way of generating new content for your blog. It is also a great way to adapt ideas across fields. It could open you up to areas in your field that you never thought of before.
Poetic License
Juxtapositioning gives you extreme license to roam free. The similarities or lessons you are drawing are subjective and highly contextual in nature. This means it would be foolish for someone to challenge you on that since the principle you are basing your content is highly subjective.
Tool For Intense Engagement
It is however a tool for intense engagement and it can be exciting once you find a right match. People who are more aware of the other field will be open to engage you on the matter. You will be doing this from a point of safety because you are not proclaiming a new law in particle physics; you are just bring something from one area and embedding it into another framework.
A place juxtaposing as an “out there” solution because you can roam wide and create relevant content from different areas. It serves the purpose of generating new content for your blog and can be a means of always having something to write about.
By now it might look like we are just looking at ways to always generate content for our blogs without any due consideration to the quality of the content or the readers of the blogs. This is far from the truth because everything we have mentioned hinges on the foundation that what you are creating has the quality to stand the test of time and is relevant to your readers.
The same thing applies to juxtaposing content. It is a great way of creating relevant content that readers would want to engage. However, if we are talking of relevant content we must be fair to ourselves and the reality of our humanity. It is also important we say it here since it might look like I am trying to fill up space to some.
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Relevant Content is Subjective
This is why a song will be a hit and another will not even though the one that is not a hit is “better” or has more “meaning” and “deep social relevance”.
Juxtaposing is still relevant to your theme because you are borrowing something form one field and adapting it to your area of interest (that should sum up life). Life lessons are everywhere whether it is a football game or a traffic warden at his or her post. It should come as no surprise that you can find something about green leaf tea (if that is what you blog is about) in rocket science.
This is juxtaposing (content creation style) in a nutshell. I believe I have made a good representation of it and it would be proud of me if it sees me on the road.
This is the end of this section. We will be moving on to the last section, which addresses the question:
is it, a business blog?
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