How to Make Millions Using Recycled Papers as Toilet Rolls and Serviettes

Unlike what was obtainable some decades in the past, many African countries are now embracing the art of recycling. This article will dwell on an aspect of recycling that has not been properly explored and how you can become a multimillionaire by investing a few millions.
That the manufacturing and selling of toilet papers can generate millions of Naira as monthly income for an entrepreneur is not an overstatement. This is especially so, when one considers the market that is yet to be fully utilised. Research has shown that the annual demand for toilet rolls and serviettes in Nigeria is about 800million tonnes per annum, while the total production and supplies is less than 100 million tonnes per annum. The shortfall of about 700 million tonnes is a wide gap to be bridged.
Are you ready to make millions starting toilet paper manufacturing business? Even if you do not have the financial capacity now, this article will not just tell you the process of manufacturing toilet tissues and serviettes, it will address ways through which you can source for finances.

Get a space

The space needed for you to establish the business of toilet rolls does not have to be a large one. A three-bedroom apartment is all you need. This can be in any part of the country. It does not matter whether it is in the city or in the rural area. As long as the road network to and from your factory is okay for motoring, you are good to go. This space is sufficient for manufacturing and temporary storage.

Contact paper suppliers

Remember that your aim is to use recycled paper as your basic raw material. So look out for places where this raw materials can be found. Basically, you need to establish contacts with printing press in your locality. This press organizations trim off tons of paper annually and use them as landfills, negotiate with such people and propose buying from them on a kilogram basis. Interestingly, some of such will be willing to give out this papers without charging you a dime.
Printing press are not the only source available to you for raw materials, newspaper organization scattered across the country also constitute a major source of paper supply for your business. As a matter of fact, they may eventually become your number one supplier. Not to be overlooked are individuals who will be willing to go out of their ways to find used papers from various homes and take turn to supply them to you for a fee.
Note of caution: Do not get papers that are too glossy as you may incur too much waste while trying to recycle them. Laminated materials too are off-limit for your business to thrive. Papers such as bonds and news prints are your best bet for a truly fluffy toilet rolls that will not waste your materials.

Get workers

This workers do not need any prior experience when it comes to manning the machine and producing toilet rolls. As a matter of fact, all they need is a three-day training from you, yes you the novice, before they become experts at using the toilet roll making machine. For starters, three hardworking persons will be okay for you. In the course of the article you will be informed as to how you can be trained to get started as the operations officer and the CEO. So read on please and discover how to become a multimillionaire.

Get the machine

There are locally made machines meant for the manufacturing of toilet rolls in various countries. There are organizations however that have gathered decades of experience in manufacturing and training people on how to use toilet paper making machines. One of such international manufacturing company is the Fujian Peixin Machine Manufacture Industry Co., Ltd. This China based company have gained reputation for supplying organizations and individuals with machines. They also ensure that their buyers are trained on how to use the machines.
Presently, the toilet roll making machine goes for between $12,000 and $15,000. This comes with a three year warranty. The organization bears the responsibility of shipment to any country of your choice. If you patronize them, you will learn the art of de-inking papers (removing the inks from paper), bleaching the papers with hydrogen peroxide so that it stays white and 'slushing' of the papers so that it becomes a pulp that will be suitable for toilet rolls. The training attracts no extra cost and it only last for few days.
Fujian Peixin Machine Manufacture Industry Co., Ltd can be contacted via phone: +8659522456988. E-mail: Irrespective of your location, they are willing to guide you through the process of converting wasted paper to millions of dollars.
However, the paper  that will be used for final wrapping of each roll  does not need to be imported. You can get this done by contacting local printers. Ensure that the printing is attractive enough to sell your product.

Get power back up

Depending on the country you are, power supply should not constitute a hindrance for you to do effective production and supply of your toilet rolls. So if the power situation is not a reliable one, do not wait for the government. As a matter of fact, do not rely on them. A 15-KVA diesel powered generator is enough to power the toilet paper making machine. It will be more economical however when the power supply is from government source.

Get marketers

Even if your product is of high quality, no one will know about it if you do not tell them. It is therefore important for you to get people who are sales foot soldiers. These ones can go to hotels, restaurants and individual homes to seek for sales. There will be need to set targets for the marketers so they can be as productive as possible. Eventually, you will attract dealers who will bear the burden of distribution for you.
As much as your finances permit, you can also explore the mass media to help advertise your product and your organization. This is not a necessity at the initial stage.

Get Vehicles

When there is demand, the need for supply gets inevitable. To avoid disappointing your customers, it is important that you get a vehicle dedicated to supplying your products. For starters, no vehicle is too small as long as it contains space for you to load and supply your products. With time and with increase in demand, you may need to get a mini truck to serve your supply need.

Profit prospects

Using Nigeria as a case study, A pack of 48 toilet rolls is sold for between N2, 600 and N2, 800, depending on the size. A new investor can wholesale at between N2,400 and N2,500 to make his product competitive and pave way for market penetration.
From the investment analysis, annual gross revenue will be $400,000, while the total production cost marketing and administrative expenses will be $300,000, leaving a gross profit of $100,000 for the investment of $50,000 as shown below:
Machine                       13,000
Power generation    6,500
Vehicle                        6,500
Space                           4,000
Raw Materials         6,500
Awareness                6,500
Miscellaneous         6,500
Total                          $49,500
How to source for funds

With a detailed research using this article as your hinge, banks will be willing to invest in this business. The business itself can serve as collateral as some banks will be willing to oversee the importation of machine and the procurements of machinery and vehicle locally. As long as they are properly stored and packed, Toilet papers do not get spoil or expired. Also, it can be categorized as a fast moving consumer goods considering that people will always wipe off something. Do you have access to some millions now, why  not step up to the rank of multimillionaires by recycling paper to make toilet rolls and serviettes. You definitely will not regret it.
In case you have question or comments, please feel free to do so below. Thank you.
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  1. This information real cleared all the doubts I have on starting up a toilet manufacturing factory. I would like to set up this business in my home town Outapi, Namibia. Currently I am studying at Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin, China. Perhaps I can hook up with this Chinese company while in China.

    Thank you

  2. Welldone Darlington, informative article indeed! Please can you help with business plan of this business idea?. I am in Nigeria. Thank you

  3. I am inspired by your article. I am interested in the business plan and if available provide.


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