How to Manage Change in An Organisation

change  Change is constant and a normality of life, you need to effect changes if you want to move your organisation forward, but the human mind does not easily accept changes especially if they feel they are used to the existing situation, there is always cause of backwardness or downturn of the organisation if change is not implemented efficiently. Are you about to initiate change in your organisation and you don't know how to go about it? then you might be needing some useful tips to implement these changes with minimum or no negative impact on your organisation. these tips are:

Explain the reason behind the change

You have to firstly communicate the reason for the change to your workers, they should understand that the change is very much needed for the organisation to move forward, you should also, in turn, listen to their opinions on the proposed change,this will enable them to understand the company's perspective on the proposed change, and will also enable them to adjust their mind set towards the proposed changes.

Disseminate the information adequately

Ensure that the necessary information that you want to let your workers know is disseminated adequately, this is necessary so that there is no excuse from your workers about not understanding the change that is proposed, this can be done with the use of boards, or better still, you can make use of your personnel management or human resources department to disseminate the news adequately, they should ensure that the news of the proposed change reaches everybody and that they all understand also.

Implement change  in stages

You need to implement your changes in stages, this will help your workers to cope with the proposed change and to also quickly adjust, you don't just rush up with change quickly, this can affect the morale of your workers and hence, low output . you should map out the stages that you would like the change to be implemented, this will also enable the success of the change.

Review and measure success of the change

You need to make review on your changes, this will enable you to know how successful the change has been,  you need to have a performance measurement, a good performance measurement is the balanced scorecard, this will enable you to also know who is not cooperating and know steps to take to make corrections.

in addition, it is necessary that you understand the 'kurt lewin' management styles as this will help you to implement change successfully.

Kurt Lewin Change Model

in 1947, Kurt Lewin developed a 3-step model of implementing change, this model has been used overtime to implement changes in organisation Lewin (1947a) these three steps eventually helps organisations to manage their changes, the 3 step model are as follows


Kurt Lewin believed that the human behavior is in equilibrium, and that it needs to be destabilized when implementing change, also that the existing mindset of the workers should be firstly 'unfrozen', this will enable the workers to discard the old behaviors and adopt the new behaviors, you can unfreeze the mindset of the workers by making them to know that change is coming soon and that they should know that they have to change the present existing situation very soon, this will enable them to adjust their mind frames towards the proposed change that you want to initiate.


at this stage you need to initiate the change and as well as start  changing the mind frame of the workers, this stage entails the active part of the initiation of the change, you need to understand the whole concept of the change itself, and implement. this stage is very important and you have to be very careful when initiating this stage, that is because if you have failed to properly initiate this stage, you will stand a huge risk of losing the purpose of your change and you will end up not achieving your aim.


this is the end stage of the model, at this stage, you will have to imbibe the change in the workers, this will enable them to settle down to the changes that you have effected, this will also ensure that the change that you have initiated is safe from regression; the workers wont fall off the change and go back to their former behavior, this stage is also very important because you don't want your workers to go back to their old ways.

when you are about initiating that change be jolly well aware that you might end up  losing the purpose of that change or your workers might end up sliding back to their former behavior, follow these tips wisely, and you can be rest assured that your changes will be implemented efficiently!!!

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