How To Reprimand An Employee

Chaotic organization cannot move forward and neither will organizations with erring worker do. It is left for the management to make their organizations orderly, this can be done by investigating who needs to be reprimanded and eventually reprimand the erring worker, but then again, you have to understand how to reprimand the worker so as not to diminish the worker's morale and that of the remaining  workers. here are some tips that you should have at the back of your mind when reprimanding your worker;

Put yourself in the shoes of the worker

It is quite important that you see things from the view of the worker that you want to reprimand, this will ensure that you are not being unfair to this worker and will help you to also understand the action/inaction of the worker, it will also enable you judge the case very well and have sound justice.


You need to communicate adequately and let the erring worker know the implication of his/her actions, also talk with the person as subtle as you can so as to enable the worker to be at ease and give you more information and this will also ensure adequate punishment for the erring worker.

'Birds eye view' Judgement

When you are reprimanding a worker, always see the situation from the overview, you have to consider the factors that might have led to the worker's active/in activeness, there might be just more than one erring worker, you need to decide how many people needs to be reprimanded

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Don't threaten the worker

When a worker is erring, don't threaten the worker you want to reprimand, this might cause a negative impact on the worker even on the rest of the workers, you should  watch how you reprimand, ensure you don't stalk with anger, ensure that you are calm and cool, also ensure that you are not intimidating the worker.

Don't Reprimand openly

When you are reprimanding your worker, ensure you call him aside before you reprimand, remember that the worker is a human being and has feelings, you should not make him feel incapable of doing his job to his colleagues, rather, call him aside, explain why you have to reprimand the worker and remind him of the objective of the company, and how his/her action/in action can cause the company greatly.

Find the best time to reprimand

If you reprimand a worker immediately after he/she errs,  there is huge chance that you might over react, or be quite upset and say or do things you are not or should do or say, always take a time out when a worker has erred, ensure that you are quite cool, and also ascertain if the worker is calm before reprimand, this could be done by watching the mood of the worker, ensuring there is calmness before you reprimand.

Suggest ways which the employee can change

After you reprimand your worker, it is vital that you ensure you suggest ways the worker can improve, this will enable the worker to not only improve, but understand that you are not all out on him, it will give him some sort of encouragement, and also enable him to believe and adapt more to the operations of the company.

Listen to the employees suggestion on how you can help him/her

Ensure that you are not the only one talking about suggestions here, listen to what the employee has to say, encourage the employee to give the organisation suggestions on how to help him/her, this will also help the employee to grow and as well as encourage a peaceful,friendly working environment.

End the discussion on a good note

How you end your discussion with the erring worker is also of utmost importance, you should not leave the worker without making the erring worker feel okay about the situation, don't walk away rudely and end the discussion, its better you give the worker a warm smile, and a firm handshake, ensure that he is re-ensured of his importance in the organization, above all, lift the burden of the reprimand reasonably off him.

When you are out reprimanding that staff, don't be quick to judge, be calm, and cool as breeze, and never start with an accusation or a threat, see things from the bird's eye view, who knows, the worker might not be wrong after all, ensure that you are on top of the situation, above all, ensure moral justice, cheers!!!

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