It is not an exaggeration to say that school business is one of the most lucrative business in Nigeria today. Estimates reveal that education related business generates income worth billions of dollars annually for both the government and individual proprietor. How can you tap from this wealth and generate a steady income for yourself? It does not take a rocket scientist to get to start a nursery and primary school business in Nigeria. The following points may be just what you need.
Register with Governmental Authorities
Like every other business, it is important that you register your school business with the government. in this case, you have to register your business name with the corporate affairs commission as well as the state primary education board, SPEB. Approaching them will give you an idea of fee and other requirements.
Be Interested
While your ultimate goal for starting a school business is to make money, you have to be genuinely interested in educating people if you want to prosper in the business eventually. The interest you have established will make you know that you are laying the foundation of a bright future for an individual and a bright one for a country. This will necessitate the need not to water down quality. When quality has become your watchword, you will gain the confidence of your customers now, and attract new parents to bring in their wards eventually.
Get a Strategic Location
To record success in your quest for owning a nursery and primary school, it is important that you get a strategic location. This means that you situate the site of your school in a place where you have pupils whose parents will eventually patronize you. Even if this comes expensive initially, the success to be recorded will be worth the effort. As a starter, you really do not need to bother yourself with buying a property, renting or leasing a place will suffice for now.
Whether it is rented, leased or bought, the location must attract customers. Even if some other schools were in existence in the area before you start your own school business, it should not deter you as long as you can have a unique idea that will sell the your school. How unique should this idea be?
Let Your Structure Stand Out
You can Stand out in different ways and forms. While your style of teaching may be awesome, the thing attracting the pupils and their parents to your school is the structure. So make the physical and outward appearance of your school building as cool as possible. The color that may appear odd for painting your room may be just what you need. Appeal to the sense of sight and make your school building walls as colorful as possible. Be careful though not to make the walls riotous. Play with colors like pink, orange and even cream.
The walls can also be attractive when there are drawings and if possible carvings. Beautify the walls by putting pictures and drawings that are not just beautiful but the ones that are educating enough. Some have employed the services of artist who are not professional enough in the past. In a bid to add beauty to the walls of the schools they have done the opposite. They have even distorted the message that the drawing is expected to portray.
In choosing the design of the uniform, it is important that you put your aesthetic qualities to use. The design does not have to follow the conventional ones we have around. You do not have to be restricted to 'ways' of making uniform in the locality. Just let it be beautiful and let it be decent.
Make Your Fees Competitive
It is nearly impossible to run at a loss when running a school. However you have to make a lot of sacrifice at the beginning. One way that sacrifice will be required is in the school fees. For those who have been attracted because of structure, the fees may be enough reason for them to change the schools that their wards attend presently. So, as much as you can stretch yourself, try to reduce the cost of fees.
Note of caution though, do not make your school fees ridiculously cheap such that you will eventually find it difficult to pay the teachers. Further, do not make the fees get so cheap that you will water down the standard that you are supposed to uphold by employing mediocre as teachers.
Get the Best of Teachers
From the head teacher to individual classroom teacher, please ensure that you employ qualified hands to teach. The importance of using experienced hands as teachers cannot be overemphasized. After getting an edifice that couples space with beauty; after getting a very attractive set of uniform, it will be disappointment at its peak when the teachers cannot deliver. The teachers should always bear in mind that it is counterproductive when they couple threat with teaching.
When employing teachers, the ratio of student to teacher should not be so broad that the one teaching loses oversight. Overcrowded classrooms will not make it possible for a teacher to reach the consciousness of each student. When the students are not too much, the teachers will not be overworked to the point of under-delivering. To that end, get as much teachers as possible even when it attracts financial obligations.
Compare Curriculum
While the government has the responsibility of designing the curriculum, there is nothing wrong to compare what you are teaching presently with what other schools are teaching. Even when the contents look alike, the style of presentation may be different. You can also go to the length of comparing curriculum that you have in one state with another state, with what is being taught in Africa and what schools are teaching in Europe.
Get a School Bus
It is important that you get a school bus so that it can be convenient to bring in pupils from the area. Some parents are unwilling to put their children in schools without buses because of the stress of having to pick and drop them off everyday. So when they are assured that this part of the stress is taken care of, they will be willing to put their wards in your school. Apart from the fact that the buses will serve as a form of convenience for parents and children, it is also a means of generating income for your self.
Advertise Your School
Even when your school has the best of edifice, the best of teachers and records success with students' performance, not telling the world about what you do simply amounts to a man winking in the dark. Hence, it is pertinent that you advertise your school through available and affordable media. The advertisement does not have to be 'above the line', you can explore other inexpensive means of broadcasting your school's ideals to the world.
Take a signpost as an example, the way it is designed and placed will go a long way to advertise your school. As long as you do not have issues with advert regulatory bodies, try and create the utmost of awareness by using signposts. Interestingly, they do not just serve to create awareness, they serve the purpose of description and direction. With time, you may start exploring the mass media to tell the world about your school.
You may need to employ the services of professional marketers too who will go from house to house to tell parents about your school.
It is Not Difficult
Even if you have zero idea about how to start, you can get solace from the fact that information about anything relating to school abound. It is simply a matter of walking to different schools and inquiring about their fee, the bus fee, the uniform fee, etc, as if you are bringing your child. To get an idea of how much the teachers are being paid, take your time and talk to one or two teachers as if you are about to offer them job. Eventually, you will have a concrete knowledge that will guide you to make your own nursery and primary school one of the best in the locality.
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