Charity events are not exclusive to big businesses. Small business owners can organize events that can do more in terms of influencing their communities as well as building the brand, ensure consumer loyalty, network with other businesses that will push you up the ladder and eventually invite government benefits. Before we go into "how to go about picking the right charity event," let us look at each of the benefits we mentioned.
Pushing Your Brand at the Community Level
This is one sure way of making a big statement to your community as a small business owner. Your business gets noticed beyond the services/products it provides/sells. Small businesses are usually closer to the community and seen to be more connected than big businesses that have a presence in a community. The target of your business may not go beyond the community hence, doing something as positive as organizing a charity event would boost your business.
Brand and Entrench it in that Community
You may be running a salon, eatery, private park, study center or cottage industry, organizing a charity event that touches so close to home makes your business to be considered as part of that home. The success of that business is subconsciously taken up by members of the community as a whole
Ensuring Consumer Loyalty
Your customers will not just take pride in identifying with you, word of mouth marketing, which is one of the most potent techniques out there will be the order of the day. You get to introduce yourself to new customers in a compelling manner and make clients of those who may never have considered using your services. Consumer loyalty in small business keeps your brand alive even in the face of stiff competition from bigger companies that have more to spend on ads.
Networking With Other Businesses
Organizing a charity event in your community increases the potential of B2C transactions. Your firm is noticed by other businesses that would want to bring their business to you out of goodwill or bring you on board in one way or the other. Some may even do it strategically knowing that they will be getting some mileage out of the goodwill you have with the community. Your business will suddenly be open to opportunities that will lead it to the next level.
Invite Government Benefits
Local governments are always looking for ways to encourage corporate responsibility even at the community level. The benefits you may derive from organizing charity events may include cuts in dues your small business has to pay, government contracts for your services where applicable and the goodwill endorsement of your business, which can generate income.
Picking the Right Event
The choice of your event must be locally oriented and touch a sensitive part of the community or something that affects a wide range of people living in that community. There could be some projects that are both sensitive to a part of the community and touches everyone in that community.
You do not have to be personally touched by that area or be personally affected. It may not be an ailment that you have had or have someone that has experienced it. Organizing a charity event in that area would show that you are not trying to bring attention for personal reasons (which could be viewed as selfish) but because it is something that affects the community as a whole.
Determine if you would go for a “fun” or “light” project like raising funds for the school football team or something “heavier” like an event for the sick. This is important because it is a theme you will have to carefully plan and execute.
Look at the long term before picking because you may be in it for the long haul. It may be a one-off event but a good charity event for your small business should be something that could be an annual event. You have to plan with that in mind and be sure it is sustainable.
Make sure your small business can handle it alone without involving other businesses. This is a critical aspect to duly consider.
Get professional help in selecting the event and drawing up a plan of execution will help. Handling the event professionally reflects on your business as well, so this is not something that should be taken lightly. Get affordable consultancy services and event planners and make sure a non-disclosure agreement is signed because you don't want anything to get out before its time.
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