How To Start Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Search engine optimization (SEO) has brought many businesses to the limelight. The objective after all, is to help people find whatever they are looking for online. It pays when you do it right. The process of doing it right all starts with your website. Your ranking on search engines comes from the quality of everything your website gives to searchers. Apart from those who use adwords, and sponsored SEO, Search engine administrators rate others based on what they have to offer. Here we will be highlighting what you should do to get your website to the forefront.

Getting started, using the keywords

The search engine system is influenced by the way people search, the exact pattern of words used to describe the topic of search. And the (How Tos) have been winning. E.g

How to find your place in the social media market.

How to increase sales through content marketing.

How to use referral marketing to grow business.

All the (How tos) guide a searcher straight to your website. Keywords description should not be bulky, since it may attract penalty from the search engine administrators. Choose precise words that define your work. You can visit Adwords keyword tool for suggestions.

Your URL

Simple URL, more access to your website. If you choose very precise, easy to memorize words  for your url, people would not have any difficulty using it. Know also that search engines crawl documents easily to websites with easy URLs. People who would want to link your website, would not have a problem of remembrance doing so.

Your titles

Search engine results are always made up with the title of  every page. This is to enable the searcher to see if your article is really what he is looking for. If your title describes what your work is all about, it will help people to choose it above others. So, carefully make precise words that will define your work.

use description, meta tags

Since content analysis come into play, meta tag have  been the focus of search engine optimization. Meta tags are used in html and xhtml documents to provide structured, categorized, data on websites. They should be few words to describe what your work stands for, simple and straight to the point.

Does content matter?

The answer is yes. The reason lots of people go online searching for whatever, is because they need it. There are millions of articles on virtually anything you can think about. Therefore, consider it a privilege if your work is clicked. For that reason alone, you should not disappoint anyone who has made the effort to find you. That is exactly what poor contents do, it jeopardizes the confidence and loyalty people have for you.

Using links

Another way to get noticed on SEO is links. Linking your website to or from another. This happens when you are using, or talking about things not originally yours. Or when there is a need for more info on the subject you are discussing e.g data stats, image, etc. It is ethical to make reference to the original sources, by linking them. They owe you the same. But there is a kind of link you should avoid; it is called "Blackhat." It is a spammy low quality link, not really good for your progress.

Social media.

The role of social media in search engine optimization ranking cannot be ignored. Your goal will be to reach as many people as possible, Using every available means.




Google+ etc.

Share your works on these platforms. If your friends find them interesting, they will share  with more people. The more people see and read your contents, the better ranking chances you have. I.e Google give credit and rank to authors based on how many people, who plus and  share their contents. Therefore, get involved with social media, and drive traffic from your target audience.

Monitor your traffic.

Using Google analytics,you can monitor your traffic, see how many people who visit your website. Your Organic search sources also could monitored by this means, to know what search words people are using to find your website.
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