How To Use Email Marketing To Increase Business

Businesses have used electronic courier (Email) for various reasons. One noteworthy reason has been; marketing. Sending a direct commercial message to a group of people. Advertizing, soliciting sales etc. According to Interactive advertizing bureau. Email revenue reached $156 million in 2012. And it is estimated that in 2017, email audience will rise to about 5 billion. The market is getting bigger, and the marketing opportunities too. For every $1 spent on email marketing investment, the average return is $44.25 dollars. It is estimated that in 2016,  the US email marketing firms spending will grow to $2.468billion. So you see! Email marketing is one  of the most effective tactics for driving sales.

Two types of email marketing.

1. Transactional email. This type of email is based on existing customer relationship. It entails information on sales, transactions made, or requests to confirm receipts. Whatever may be the content, the primary purpose of transactional email is to deliver information on whatever subject that matters to the recipient.

2.Direct emails. This means sending a promotional message to a list of customers or email addresses. It could be a special offer or new product.

Email marketing has proved effective, lowering unnecessary delays in marketing communication. Traditional Email takes a lot of time and money preparing a campaign for  product, goods and services. However, Email marketing has scaled through this hurdle. Mobile devices have enabled people to check their email on the go, meaning, they can access your products information whenever.

Opt-in email.

Email marketing uses this method to give the recipient the choice to consent or reject your product and services. This method has proved effective because, it enables you to know your targeted audience. It is assumed that the receiver is a potential consumer who wants the information.

 8 steps to getting started.

Develop a website.

Get a transactional email software.

Collect and keep a list of customers email addresses.

Or rent a list of email addresses from a service company.

Make your contents attractive and captivating.

Have a target audience.

Keep track of responses and follow up.

Always renew your products to appeal to your audience.
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