How What You Eat Can Save You Money

Food is one of the most important things of life, it comes before a whole lot of other things. We all need it to live, without food it is impossible for life to exist. That is why people work around the clock to see that the stomach authority is respected, giving it food whenever it asked for it. The most common business in the world is eatery, and that has been to serve this need.

However, people has sought so many ways to satisfy this need, variety of foods, ways of eating and most of all, how much they eat. The variety of foods gives you the opportunity to choose what you like to eat at every given time, since you eat mostly three times daily. The variety of food also gives you the opportunity to choose the kind of food that your body really needs. There are protein foods, fat foods, and foods that will give all sorts nutrients that the body needs.

Is there harm in eating?

What the body needs most is protein, although every other nutrient is vital. A lot of readily available foods don't have this much needed protein, It's fat all the way, which isn't good for your sensitive body system. Your body needs only two thousand calories daily, these calories are provided in large and small quantities by the foods you eat. If you divide 2000 by 3, (calculating from three square meal a day) it's about 665, and that's about what a square meal should contain.

However life does not depend on solid food alone to get on, we all supplement it with liquid foods and drinks, and they all contain calories. When you consume more than your daily quota (2000 calories) the rest is converted to fat by your system. E:g you consumed 2500 calories, your body takes 2000, the remaining 500 is converted to fat. If you eat the same way in your next meal, it becomes 1000 unwanted calories in your body system.

The more you eat wrongly, the more vulnerable you become. Fat weakens the immune system and makes your body readily available for every disease. High levels of cortisol leads to insulin resistance and insulin resistance can lead to diabetes and heart disease. Now weigh the dangers and think of what to do. 

What you should do    

 It seems excusable when people try to justify what they eat. E:g the lean protein foods are expensive, this is what I really like to eat etc. Now compare the cost of the right food to the cost of diabetes, or a heart disease. The cost of medical bills, and the pains of ill health. Wouldn't you save yourself the trouble and money by following these steps?

 Avoid excess carbohydrate consumption, ensure a balanced diet with the appropriate Mix of healthy fats, lean proteins and plenty vegetables.

Avoid stimulants and excess alcohol  consumption.

Always look for nutritional information of any food product you want to buy.

Bear in mind your daily calorie quota as you eat each meal.

Exercise to burn unwanted fat in your body.

Your life is worth more than anything you can give it, therefore eat to be healthy. Health is wealth.
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