Negotiation Tutorial For Beginners-Know What It Takes

Every aspect of life has a room for negotiation. Business, organization, government, marriage and divorce, almost everything you could think of. The questions of who loses? Who gains? Has made negotiation a big business. People go as far as hiring people to negotiate on their behalf. However it goes, there are things you really need to know.

Negotiation is all about getting your objective at a favorable cost. And to do that you have to learn key elements of the practice.

Types of negotiation

Soft: This is a gently way of bargaining that makes it less competitive. In this technique,  you will avoid confrontations , keep relationships  with fellow negotiators. The goal here is "agreement." And everyone is willing to yield in order to achieve the goal.

Hard: The word "hard" is an evidence that the method here is "make or mar." In this method, you need to strategize  contentiously to influence others. Your goal is to win. And you will do that at the expense of others.

Principled: In this method, you need to explore interests and separate them from selfish objectives, in order to reach integrative solution. You have to play by the rules, moral and professional standards, principles of fairness, or whatever code there is to abide by.


With these three principal techniques you are ready to get to the table of negotiation. But there are yet other things you should know-


Your emotional condition as a negotiator is determined by the technique you are using. But your ability to reach your objective is always enabled by your mood. For instance, if your in the soft way, your mood should be of "empathy" because you need to show concern for others.

When you are using the hard way, your mood should be assertive because your concern is about yourself alone.

The principled way demands that you stay ethical, since it is based on rules and principles.

However, whatever your mood is, you should harbor it with positivity and confidence.

Group of negotiators

Negotiation is not exclusive to individualism. Individuals may come together to negotiate objectives that are of interest to them. Even companies hire team of negotiators to bargain on their behalf. Team negotiation is therefore, the most complex of it all. In this case you need to -

  1. Understand one another.

  2. Know all about whatever you are negotiating.

  3. Speak in one voice.

The tense situation on a negotiation table needs just a slip to give the opposition a lead. At a point a negative toll may take on any member of the team. Your ability to understand his/her body language will ease the nervousness.

  • When a co-negotiator laughs at a statement not funny, it's a sign of nervousness.

  • When your team member is saying "this" in words and his body is saying "that" in movement. Inquire of his true feeling in an undertone.

There are a whole lot of ways to converse during negotiation, but it depends on the group to work out which is good for them. How close you sit could enable you to communicate using your body. Team of negotiators are supposed to spend time together to achieve understanding. However, relaxation is a key negotiation mood. Showing no sign of uneasiness gives your team the needed confidence.


Your success or your team's, sometimes depends on the approach used. Negotiators have used many ways to approach "the table," whatever may appeal to the issue of negotiation.

There is a police interrogation style Good guy/Bad guy. When a member of a team will be making outrageous bargaining and others will be scolding him. They are actually working out a plan, but make it appears like they are in disagreement.

Flinch: This approach involves using a gesture in a negative way in disapproval of an offer made by the opposition. This is believed to have influence on the proposal, the opposition may read your physical reaction as saying "the offer is ridiculous" and therefore lower it.

High/Lowball: Here, a seller uses a ridiculous high price, and a buyer offers a very low price. The aim is to get one to compromise, and come down or up from where he is.

Snow job: Happens when you try to cloud the judgement of the other party with overwhelming information that he does not know what the vital facts are.
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