you find it easy to make decisions, or is it a challenge for you to do so? If
we are to progress to we must learn to distinguish right from wrong and then
make decisions that reflect our own convictions, not those of someone else.
(What are some other compelling reasons why we need to learn to make good
decisions? Why is it sometimes so difficult to make them? And what steps can we
take to make sure that the decisions we make
Why Make Decisions at All
we are indecisive others can capitalized on our inability and can easily
influenced us. standards are involved, our schoolmates or workmates may
conclude that we are not really convinced of our beliefs and therefore are They
may lie, cheat, or steal and then try to persuade us to “follow after the
crowd” by joining them or at least by covering up for them. (However, a person
who knows how to make decisions will not permit fear or a desire for acceptance
to cause him to behave that
Not all who want to make decisions for us mean us harm. Well-intentioned friends might insist that we follow their advice. If we are living away from home, our relatives likely still have deep concern for our well-being and may feel compelled to continue to involve themselves in important decisions we face. For instance, consider the matter of medical treatment health care, though, are not clear-cut and require that each of us make a personal decision as to what treatment we will accept or reject. Our loved ones may have strong opinions on these issues. However, when deciding about those matters, each one needs to carry “his own load” of responsibility
can place us in grave danger. Like a man in a rudderless boat on a stormy sea,
he will be tossed about by shifting human opinion. How easy it would be for
such a person to suffer ruin and then blame others for his sad situation how
can we avoid that outcome? We must become “stabilized, to achieve stability, we
need to learn to make decisions that reflect well to ourselves and business may
hinder our ability to make good decisions?
Why Decisions Can Be
Difficult to Make
Fear may paralyze us fear of making the wrong decision, fear of failure, or fear of appearing foolish to others. Those concerns are understandable. Nobody wants to make a poor decision, one that causes trouble and possibly shame before we make important decisions. We will thus minimize the number of mistakes we make.
we always make the right decision? No. All of us make mistakes and can lessen
the anxiety we feel about making decisions. How? By realizing that sometimes
there are several correct paths to choose from. Should we be concerned with how
others view the decisions that we make? To some degree if we acknowledged that
a decision may not in itself be wrong, yet it could cause harm to someone with.
What we too need to consider how our decisions will affect the our business
1 Avoid Being Presumptuous
Do Research
Pray for Wisdom
Make the Decision
Implement the Decision
Review and Adjust
Avoid being presumptuous.
Before choosing a course of action, we need to ask ourselves, ‘Is this my decision to make?’ We can save ourselves and others much anxiety and grief if we modestly make decisions only when we have been granted the authority to do so.
Do research.
plans of the diligent one surely make for advantage,” wrote Solomon, “but
everyone that is hasty surely heads for want for example, are you considering a
business proposal? Do not let emotion rule. Gather all the relevant facts, seek
the counsel of those familiar with such things, and determine the principles
that have a bearing on the matter. To organize your research, prepare two
lists, one detailing the benefits, the other the liabilities. Before you make a
decision, “calculate the expense.” Consider the potential impact that your
decision will have on your financial health but also on It takes time and
effort to do research. But by doing so, you may avoid making hasty decisions
that lead to unnecessary apprehension.
Pray for wisdom.
is no shame in admitting that we need God’s wisdom to help us make decisions.
After all, relying purely on our own understanding can easily misguide us. When
we pray for wisdom and search out the principles in God’s Word, we allow Holy
Spirit to help us discern our real motives for wanting to take a certain course
of action.
Make the decision.
not rush straight to this step before doing research and praying for wisdom. A
wise person takes time to consider his steps. On the other hand, do not
procrastinate. A procrastinator may come up with outlandish excuses for not
taking action. But he still makes a decision he decides, in effect, to let
others control his life.
Implement the
effort we expend to make a good decision can be wasted if we do not follow
through and vigorously implement it. To succeed, we must be willing to allocate
the resources needed to implement our decisions.
Review the decision
and make adjustments if needed.
all decisions work out exactly as planned. Time and unforeseen occurrence to some
extent we are expected to persist with some decisions though we may encounter trials.
Most decisions, though, are less weighty. A wise person will from time to time
review the decisions he has made. He will not let pride or stubbornness prevent
him from adjusting or even reversing a decision.
of us, therefore, have compelling reason for making decisions that honor
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