8 Qualities Of an Insurance Agent

If you have ever contemplated becoming an insurance agent or wondered whether this career path could be right for you, then there are several qualities that you will need to possess. All good insurance agents share some of the following core qualities in one way or another.

Ability to convince

Most successful insurance agents are good speakers. You should have good communication skills to put  forth your ideas in front of your prospects. You should be able to create an urgency of buying insurance and convince them to buy it right now.

Convince your prospects on the gain and benefits, on your speech use simple and strong words that evoke emotions. Go straight to the point and stop using  jargons, lists the most important factors and have a unique selling points that will make the prospects switch to you.

Good customer relationship 

Customers who are able to get a hold of their agents when they need them are much more likely to stay happy and reassured. A timely response to inquiries and phone calls is a must, and you must be able to do what you say you will do, when you say you will do it - or at least have a good reason as to why you can't. One of the major complaints of those who buy life insurance policies is that there is no one around to answer their questions after they have purchased the policy.

According to experts, good human relation skill is one of the most important traits an insurance agent should have. Some of them argue that there is no way an agent can succeed with bad human relations, A good agent should be able to interact with potential prospects easily, knowing when to listen and when to talk and empathize with them when necessary. Having good human relation skills also makes it easier to develop an excellent customer-client relationship and it allows the agent to provide effective customer service.

The relationship does not end after the policy is sold. The client may call suddenly for certain clarification now and then and how they are responded to can determine whether an agent will do further business with them or not.

8 Qualities Of An Insurance Agent

Emotional intelligence 

This includes the ability to listen and empathize with clients on a deeper level in order to discern what they really want and need. A good agent is tactful and knows how to help a client see financial reality clearly.

Be Honest

Insurance agents who use deception to close business seldom stay with the same company for very long - and can end up behind bars in some cases. A good agent knows that telling the truth up front will win them clients' respect and trust and is likely to lead to repeat business over time.  It is most to give every inquiry and phone call a well-timed response.

If you cannot do it, you will soon lose them. You must be able to keep your promises when you say that you would give prompt services. One of the major complaints of those who buy life insurance policies is that once they buy insurance there is no one around to answer their questions. Customers who are able to get a hold of their agents when they need them are much more likely to stay happy and reassured.

Put your Customers first

Puts the needs of the client first , An agent who is only out to earn a commission, regardless of the needs of the client, is not likely to last long in the business. Agents and brokers who listen carefully to what their clients and prospects say will be able to earn their trust, which is the hardest part of their job.

Have the  knowledge

Wide array of products - As the old saying goes, if all you have to work with is a hammer, then everything in the world looks like a nail. A good insurance agent will be able to offer a comprehensive selection of products and services that can meet any reasonable need a client might have.

An insurance agent must be intelligent enough to at least give a suitable plan according to his clients individual needs based on his or her income, debts, and future goals. Insurance agents not only must be a good readers, but they also are required to become problem solvers. This includes the ability to listen and empathize with clients on a deeper level in order to recognize what they really want and need.

Good Marketing Skills

Insurance agents can explain their business and why you should schedule an appointment with them,  In addition, successful agents always carry business cards and a planner with them.

High Energy Level

Good insurance agents are positive in thinking  at all times, a lazy disposition will discourage clients from wanting to work with them.


In conclusion these are just some of the qualities that life insurance agents must possess in order to be successful. The life insurance business can be very challenging and immensely rewarding for those who are willing to learn the necessary skills to build their business.


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