Book Publishing: All You Need to Know (Part 1)

As widespread and acceptable as the internet and computer are, they have not been able to take the place of books. While it is true that there are billions of web pages, and there are hundreds of billions of e-books, the age old hard copy cannot be phased out of existence. Many people still prefer to hold books in their hands and read, and underline or highlight the important points directly. They do not need to fear internet connection failure, their batteries do not need to be drained and they do not need to subscribe for data.

Since many still prefer to read directly from their hard copies, the business of book publishing is still a booming one. Many successful book publishers have enriched themselves and have metamorphosed from being entrepreneurs to being limited liability companies and also become public companies quoted in the stock market.

The market is not saturated yet, people still ask for books thus creating need for others to join the ranks of existing publishers. Do you want to make millions as a book publisher? This article is exactly what you need to get started and get going. Because the article is very detailed, it has been divided into series. This way, both greenhorn, fledgling and experienced publishers can get to benefit.

The following steps are needed for you to be successful, follow them closely, and you will have no regrets as you invest in the business of book publishing.

Register Your Business Name

Depending on how big you want your business to be at the beginning, you can register your business name as an entrepreneur using a venture or as a Limited Company. Registering as an entrepreneur is inexpensive and even faster while registering as a Limited company is time consuming and a bit more expensive. There is nothing wrong in starting small if your budget does not give you room for starting big. However you wish to start, the important thing is to approach the registration agency with an office address and phone number and your other credentials. They will tell you the other things required of you.

Decide on Your Genre

Genre here refers to the type of book you want to focus on as you publish. It is the area of interest you are willing to delve into. Books have been written on many subjects in the past. And there are still many more in existence today. Generalizing on your area of interest will only render you less productive. What are some area of interests that may pique your attention as a book publisher? The following are just some major ones:


This in itself can be sub-divided into different groups, but as a publisher your interest is to develop materials under business irrespective of the divisions that may exists. Hence you could publish materials on entrepreneurial skills, local and foreign investments, agriculture, manufacturing, etc.

You can also publish books relating to macro and micro economy of a nation, the banking and other financial sector, oil and gas, shipping and aviation, etc. The list seems to be endless as business is an umbrella word encompassing all forms of financial transactions. When you chose to publish business books, it is impossible for you to run out of materials. Depending on the skills of your writers, you may end up making them loyal forever.


Motivational topics abound and they are selling fast today. Such motivational materials could dwell on how to start and build a career, how to start and build a business, how to develop the art of communication, how to manage time effectively, how to develop leadership traits, how to be a successful sales man, how to turn trials into success and so on.

Irrespective of the person or their area of interest, problems abound in the world today and people truly appreciate materials that will be encouraging and motivational enough to get them out of their shell and keep them going. Investing in motivational materials will not constitute a loss for you as a publisher.

Self Help Books

Books in this category cannot be described as motivational although some may tend to mix them up. These are the type of books that have the "how to" topics. They are books that dwells on topics like how to cook and bake with different recipes. How to be a successful parent, how to ensure that your child is in the best schools, factors to consider when traveling abroad, how to get visa of a country, how to learn french in 3weeks, how to become a professional driver in two weeks, etc.

Self help books have limitless topics that you as a publisher can dwell on. People are willing to have information at their finger tips. Sometimes, the Internet is not that fingertips, especially in country where power supply and data supply still constitute a problem. When you publish books on differing self help topics, you can be sure the market is waiting to consume your works.


This is sometimes referred to as novels. A publishing firm can hit a goldmine from publishing fiction materials. Depending on the type of writers you have, you can keep thrilling your readers forever. Fiction can come as play or as prose, whatever you chose to do make sure your writers are capable enough to hold the attention of the readers.

Sometimes, you can be fortunate enough to have your fiction as educational materials for primary and secondary schools. We will dwell extensively on that later. In the meantime, design your materials in such a way that individuals can be attracted.
Fiction can be romance, adventure, thriller, science fiction, action, comedy, etc. The story line can be endless. As a matter of fact, they are endless. If you decide to focus on it as a publishing firm, it will be a viable venture.

Educational Materials

Publishing educational material is an area capable of generating millions of dollars for a publishing firm, irrespective of the country that the firm is situated. To be a successful educational publisher however, care needs to be taken. The publisher needs to carefully understand the curriculum of the country he is situated and endeavor not to derail from it. He should do this by consulting with teachers and educational authorities as well as reading existing materials.

Not derailing is not the same as not being creative. He can build on the materials in existence and add color to it. Such that both the teachers and the pupils will come to enjoy using the books from his publishing firm.

Further, a publisher needs to know that there are various levels to a subject being taught. This is an opportunity for him to make money, but he needs to be careful so that he does not dish out materials too quickly to students in a lower level, or too slowly to a higher class. Whether he is focusing on a subject in the secondary, primary or tertiary level, he should consult the writers differently and ensure that their expertise is guaranteed.

Professional Books

This is not the same as educational materials although the intent, like any other book, is to educate the readers. The readers in this category are not students per say, they are professionals who are already established in their chosen endeavors. Such ones seek professional viewpoints regarding what they are doing presently.

As a publisher, you could have materials on law, insurance, banking, auto engineering, construction engineering, drawing and art, telephone technology, internet and programming, etc. Like the other categories mentioned above, this category is broad enough to continue to publish endless materials for his teeming readers.

The list of categories can be endless depending on how you have categorized them. More important than giving books categories however are the content providers, the writers that will be worth their names. The next article in this series will dwell extensively on how you can get professionals for your publishing firms and get your business going.
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