One of the general sources of workplace conflict is value system. Each worker has a unique sense of value. It is natural that a place where multiple value systems are in operation at an individual level is bound to bring up situations where there will be clash of values. This may result into a deeper conflict. The workplace environment is a social place. It is a place of interaction, a meeting place for different mindsets. The only thing that may be binding them together at any given time would be the fact that they are working in the same organization, department or team.
The society at large has guaranteed the right of each individual with respect to their beliefs and value system. Companies have to work within that framework. This means that have a limited scope of influence to deal with conflicts related to value system. However, this does not mean that they should fold their arms while productivity plunges because of workplace conflict related issues.
While all the usual process of investigation, mediation and resolution should be put in place even at a structural level, it is important that organizations devise proactive means of limiting the escalation of conflict originating from value system in the workplace environment. Below is a tip they can place under consideration when looking at means of dealing with this thorny issues.
Superimposing Workplace Values Over Every Other
Step 1: Clearly Stating Office Values
The organization can clearly state their office values which is usually heavy on the objectives of the organization (or team) as a whole. Since this is a workplace environment with a primarily economic purpose, stating the workplace values will give a clear indication as to where the company wants everyone to head.
Step 2: Hooking the Office Values to How Colleagues Relate
They are expected to relate with each other based on the stated values of the team, department or organization. This naturally places other values into a secondary role. They should make each member of staff understand that they will be more than willing to quickly address conflict and issues connected to the office value since its takes prime position in the scheme of things.
Step 3: Stating Clearly that the Workplace Values Supersedes Every Other Values with respect to the task at hand
That is, they should make it clear that personal/religious/political or any other value system plays a secondary role to the organizational/workplace values. They should re-emphasize the fact that everyone is expected to relate to each other based on the workplace values rather than any other so that the company can achieve set goals. These are office hours and accepting to work in such a firm means that are ready to focus on the goals of the workplace during the hours allotted.
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Step 4: clearly stating that precedence will be given to the person that holds the office value more in cases where conflict ensues as a result of value system
The members of the organization will have a sense of the direction judgment will go if issues of conflict relating to values are brought before the conflict resolution system of the organization. That is, the company will look into the matter with a bias towards company goals and values and not individual values. They will logically investigate, mediate and resolve it based on their primary interest, which is the company rather than a value system that has no bearing on the company.
Word Of Caution
The legal implication of the tip above should be duly considered before thinking about implementing part or all of it. Companies do not operate in isolation but a bound by the laws of the country in which they operate. Those that want to follow through should carefully look at the wording and the manner of approach
Conflict in the workplace may be a reoccurring feature, but is would be foolhardy to allow the workers to resolve issues themselves. This will be presuming that they want to have the issue resolved in the first place. Meanwhile the company suffers as conflict ferments and escalates. The best approach will be to devise proactive means that will anticipate and creates means of resolution when conflicts arise.
The overriding theme is that members of the team do not take their value system and make an issue of it in the workplace environment at the detriment of the set values of the company, which is basically related to productivity. They should know that when it comes to office hours, only values related to the office would be applied. This may have the effect of eliminating or reducing conflict stemming from value system of individual members to the barest minimum.
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