GOOGLE IT: How Google Has Revolutionized The Internet

If the Internet has revolutionized the world of telecommunication and research, Google has revolutionized the Internet itself. It will be unfair to talk about the achievements and successes that the Internet has recorded without making reference to Google. If you use the Internet regularly, you definitely know that there are many search engines. But, honestly how many times do you make use of those search engines? For neophytes who do not know much about the Internet, to them, Google is the only means that they can search for materials online. They should not be blamed, they are adopting the legacy laid down by their knowledgeable mentors.

Google is wielding influence and it is doing it to the point of bullying other search engines. What is the secret of its success? No matter how hard the Internet users may try to answer that question, they cannot be successful until they ask Google itself. Google itself will defy the law of trade secret and divulge its secret of success. Forget about those that have been relegated because Google is here, lets talk about those that have benefited simply because Google exists.

Everybody. Yes Everyone has derived one benefit or the other from Google. This search engine has indexed billions of web pages and it is still counting. Thousands of bloggers and online writers want to be associated with Google. They are left with no choice, if they try to turn their back on it, they may end up folding up.

There is no subject, i repeat no subject that Google will not supply response on. From construction, to baby sitting. From Airplane to canoes. From footballing to malaria fever. It has profile on Hussein Bolt and in-depth analysis on the most sluggish snail in the Amazon. Google will tell you how to be happy, it will still lead you to sites that will ask you to commit suicide. Health practitioners have found it useful, nursing mothers have seen it as cool companion.

Google has got speed that's yet to be rivaled by other search engines. While writing this article, I typed the word "search" in Google search engine and it brought me 4,950,000,000 results (0.37 seconds). In less than a second 4billion results! Google does not care if it takes several lifetimes to read through and digest the information it will supply, it will still supply it. Interestingly it does so in the order of relevance. If you know you want to get to the end of the result, you might have to pass it on to your next generation who will then pass it on to the generation after that, and so on.

Google gets you information that any encyclopedia can't get you. As knowledgeable as this search engine is, it is not boring. It supplies images, it supplies videos, it even stays updated by supplying you news on the subject. It is always there to keep you abreast of the worlds events.

A student, irrespective of the school or the course of study, who has not made Google his bosom friend may as well kick his success goodbye. Whatever the research maybe, Google is there to guide you through and give you links to information that you find most relevant. Even if you want to cheat your way through class, Google has something for you.

Advertisers are beginning to shift their gaze away from the conventional radio, TV and Billboard, they now partner with Google Ads to make their products and services known to the world. They are relating success stories the world over for partnering with Google.

Google Maps is fast becoming indispensable for anyone who does not want to miss his way. updated, detailed description like never before in history. Coordinates that are accurate for those seeking a location. Whats more, it has satellite image to guide the user through. Wherever you are in the world Google map will find you. Phone manufacturers now know that their product is incomplete unless they use Google map.

Interestingly Google is not proud. Whatever question you want to ask, however foolish the question maybe, it will humbly respond and give you the answer. Some talk to Google as if they are seeing it like a person? They do not just stop at typing key words, they ask like they would ask their big brother. It is not surprising to see questions like, 'how come we have a lot of mosquitoes in our neighborhood?' 'how long will i live on earth?' 'is my husband cheating on me?' 'will my child be obedient?'. Humble and obedient servant Google will take the question, assimilate it and go around the world in less than a second to find and provide answers. It does not scold even if there is a grammatical or punctuation error, it humbly offers correction and provide the answer.

My dear Google, what on earth can I do without you? I guess i have to Google that to get the answer!
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