Article marketing is a matured market but many online businesses do not seem to know about its existence. This may be as a result of the somewhat negative perception that article marketing was developed by internet info-commerce entrepreneurs that peddle PLR eBooks. The fact is such people are not given much in the area of respect and this has probably affected the perception of article marketing. I am not saying they created the concept of article marketing but the issue here is that article marketing works. It does not have the issues associated with email marketing, which has been notoriously abused and is still being abused.
Article marketing does not intrude on the reader. Rather, it is the reader that comes to it and may decide to move on if they choose. If it does have ethical issues, it will not be more than any other type of marketing. We have looked at article marketing in detail with the article titled social media marketing tip: benefits of article marketing. It is a must read for those who are strangers to article marketing and I will kindly suggest you do that before going through this article.
As the current title suggests, we want to look at how you can create an article marketing strategy designed to highlight one aspect of your business or the other. By now, you should know what article marketing is all about. You can get my definition of article market from the title I just mentioned. It is just in the first paragraph.
Developing an article marketing strategy is beneficial because you get to see a blueprint of your plan of action before taking a single step. You have the time to research each aspect of the campaign before execution and prepare for eventualities.
As this is a “how to” 2-part series, we will go about this by using the step guide. We will be looking at 3 steps to take in this part.
Step 1: Identifying The Objective
Do you want to sell a product?
Do you want to sell a service?
Do you want to sell yourself?
Do you want to sell your website/platform?
The first thing to do in drawing up an article marketing strategy is to identify the objective(s). This will give you what you can create the blueprint over.
Remember that article marketing is not direct marketing. It is an indirect way of still getting your set goals achieved. Therefore, whether it is a product, service, yourself or your website you want to sell or popularize, your strategy will take a roundabout means of achieving just that i.e. when using article marketing. The first step therefore is to identify and state your objective(s).
Step 2: Identify (Publishing) Platforms
Identifying platforms to use may take a bit of research on your part. They do not have to be exclusive to publishing articles alone (there was a time when article marketers only used publishing platforms but that method is now obsolete). You will have to include social media platforms when looking for where you will be publishing your articles.
Of course, you are not going to publish a one thousand word article on Twitter but there are ways you can incorporate twitter and other social media platforms into your publishing.
This is also the stage where you will have to check to see if you are allowed to use a critical aspect of article marketing on such platforms i.e. the ability to link back to you (product, service, self, website). Only include those that allow such but use those that do not to link to the publishing sites. For instance, most publishing platforms have enabled social media interaction on their platforms. You can use the handles available to share your article on multiple social networks. This will serve to draw people to your articles published on sites that allow for links back to you website.
Step 3: Registering In Such Platform
Double check these platforms by going through the terms of use, you might just find something there that will be useful to you. Some might have rules that may not sit well with you even if they allow for links. It is left for you to decide whether such rules will scuttle your overall objectives or whether you want to discontinue with the platform on social, moral or ethical grounds. The fact is, you must step back and look at the big picture. The site might allow you to post links but there could be other things they allow that will work against your objectives or defeat the purpose of signing up with them. You article marketing strategy should not be jeopardized by any rule. Only sign up with platforms that will allow you to do what you intend using their platform for and not scuttle it with a rule of their own.
This is where we will stop. To continue, kindly go to how to build an article marketing strategy II.
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