The Productivity Of The Moment
There are certain moments that are unproductive. They are unproductive because that point in time has been left to remain in a state of idleness. This does not mean activity is productive for its own sake. You can be active without being productive as such. However, we want to look at how to identify and deal with idle moments with respect to time management.
Who Can Benefit From This?
This will be beneficial to individuals and businesses alike. The individuals can apply this in their workplace environment or any other area of their lives. We will be looking at individuals in a workplace environment but anyone can find how to apply it in any area of their lives.
How To Identify Your Idle Moments In A Workplace Environment
You already know them (better than anyone can). I want to mention certain periods of the day but you must bear in mind that this is just a general guide since you already know your idle moments in a workplace environment.
When You Just Stepped Into The Office
This could be the busiest period for some as there might be things on their desk just waiting for them to sit behind it. However, it could also be a period of “reflection” as well as catching up with people whom were the last set of people you saw the night before.
When You Are About Going For Lunch Break
Some can be very busy just before this time as they get to rush things as it were. However, a few might find themselves already in lunch break mode around this time. Their senses kind of dulls down as if the machines is shutting down from its daily grind. Their alertness dips and they start doodling around as it were. This is an idle moment for them.
When You Just Come In From Break
Some rush in from break to see if they can meet a deadline while there are some that will bring the lunch back to the office just to hurry things up. However, there are a few who find themselves in a position where it is like they should bring out the reclining chair and take a short snooze. They have probably filled up the tank, had a good conversation and are still basically trying to milk out as much time and pleasure as they can from the break. Revving up their mental engines once again could be asking for too much and it is downhill from there.
When Closing Hour Is Approaching
This is when some workaholics are just warming up. This is also when other would be frantic in their efforts to complete a report or close a deal on phone. However, there are people who mentally close before the closing hour approaches. Their desks may still be littered with files but in their minds, it has already been cleared. In fact, they may leave it on the desk to put up an appearance of working but they are already in the train back home.
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Side Note To The Office Manager
These periods should be moments you make sure everybody is on their desk working. Do not give them a breathing space. Ask them to bring in a report, demand that something be done or submitted within the next fifteen minutes. Never mind that you might be a culprit, just make them work.
Identify And List Your Moments Of Idleness
There are some who cherish these moments and telling them to identify and list would be like whistle blowing on a loyal colleague. However, there are those who want to do something about it. listing them is part therapy (you already know them). Putting it on paper so that you can look at it may be a way of detaching yourself from the problem (i.e. you are already identifying it as a problem that is not part of your makeup).
Prepare A List Of Activities You Can Do During Each Identified Period
This is the solution part. Create a list of your workplace activities for the day and look at things you might add if it is too “stretched” or thin. Prepare a list of things you can do during those period and then execute your plan.
You can contact and schedule an after-lunch meeting if your idle moment falls within that time frame. You can also decide to take up activities that will require you to move around. It could be a way of walking off the lethargy but boss, colleague or those you are giving flak do not have to know this.
The Result
You would have successfully identified and deal with idle moments in your workplace environment and used your time in a more productive manner, which comes with its unique benefits.
Side Note To The Same Manager
This could help you get recognized, finally.
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