How To Establish A Virtual Support Staff Agency

There are businesses that need the unique services office support staff agencies provide. they need them when they travel oversees to pursue business deals. They also need them locally because of the specialist staff they can provide. office support staff agencies look like brick and mortar kind of business and they do have offices to buttress this but this could be far from reality.

It is a B2B organization. That is, they do not serve the general populace but provide specialist services for other organizations. Do they really need brick and mortar kind of offices? The answer is yes for two reasons.

The first is that they are also a cooperate entity that is expected to have a physical address. The second is that companies dealing with them might prefer they have physical addresses because they might just want to make preliminary visits before deciding whether to patronize them or not.

Beyond this, such agencies virtually live and breathe online because it is their primary interface to thousands of possible clients. They also use it to conduct transactions with their actual clients. however, this brings us to where we are going with regards to setting up a virtual office support staff agency.

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We have already said that this agencies use websites as their primary interface to the world, so they are already operating virtually. I just want to say that because of the two reasons I gave above, you will still need to have an offline presence. Having gotten that out of the way, let us look at how you can go about setting up a virtual Office Support Staff Agency.

Strong Internet Presence

Your best asset will be your use of the internet. Having a strong internet presence goes beyond having a website. You will need to incorporate online marketing strategies that include social media and article marketing.

The objective is to sell your company to the unique people and organizations that will be your clients. Incorporate your website with article marketing. Use social media platforms like YouTube to have a face to the world where you can promote your expertise. The combination of these two forms of social online marketing will help create a funnel of strategic traffic to your website.

How Article Marketing Works

Article marketing may be a news phrase to some, it is the use of publishing articles in multiples online platforms that will funnel or link people back to your websites. The content of such articles do not usually talk about your company (i.e. direct advert). Rather they talk about the field your company operates in. The articles are usually incisive and provide tips about your field. For instance, they may be about how to run support agencies, renting office space and support staff abroad, best practice in the support staff industry and so on and so forth. Article Marketing is usually used to set the authors as authority figures in a field. It is also a way of indirectly advertizing yourself because the article will have a link pointing to your website.

Using You Tube

You can use YouTube in a more direct fashion. The trick with using YouTube is to hire professionals or create professional videos about your company and the services it provides. You can create:

Video Testimonials

Where real clients will talk how they used your service and the experience they had. These could serve as a video portfolio or sorts.

Video Portfolios

Portfolios that will showcase companies that have patronized your business. It could give a brief profile of the company, what they wanted, where they wanted it and what your business provided. You can sign off with a word from someone from the company.

Videos Of Foreign Locations

They will look like ads meant for tourist but the twist will be businesses that wants to operate in such a place temporarily can do it with the help of your company

Offline Office

Your office may not need much permanent staff because you will be hiring freelancers or getting them using other companies using deals (see article on deal making for more details). You get to use other agencies and services to provide the bulk of your service to your clients.

Connect with Local Freelancers

Connecting with them is usually free and it will be wise to establish contact making them understand the nature of the service you will be needing from them.

Connecting with Offline Agencies

Agencies that have translators and the likes should be contacted and kept on standby. You can read how to run to a support staff company for more details.

Connect with local IT firms

Connect with Hotels

There may be more but once you have established contact and have an agreement with them, you are good to go because what is left will be bringing them all together when you need their services.

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