Mistakes To Avoid When Outsourcing To A Service Company

You are a service/event company and have a huge contract to handle an event. There are so many different facets of the contract and you are thinking of outsourcing some to specialist companies while you focus on your area of core competence. This is a good thing. Go over the points below to look at a couple of mistakes that you should try to avoid.

The Mistake Of Bad Communication

The specialist companies you want to outsource to must not just understand what you want them to do but how you want them to do what you want them to do. Bad communication could ruin everything for you so you must set out to make sure that they have a proper grasp of what you want.

Avoiding Bad Communication: Don’t Rush

One way you can prevent bad communication is to make sure you have ample time before the actual event. This will prevent you from rushing. Taking your time to pick the right firm i.e. observing due diligence during the period of selecting them will make you not to miss things you would have wanted them to know. They too would have ample time to get to find out about what is expected of them.

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Avoiding Bad Communication: Hold Extensive Talks

Another way of avoiding the mistake of bad communication is to hold extensive talks. This meeting should take place before you sign up anything with them. One reason why you should hold such talks before signing anything is that both of you might find out that you are wrong for each other. The talks will also help you bring up issues that you may never have thought of had you rushed into securing their services.

Bad communication could bring the event or their aspect of it to ruin before it holds because they got in wrong from the word go

The Mistake Of Not Having A Progress Report

Insist on having a progress report in a timely manner. It may depend on the date of the event but it could be monthly, weekly and daily as the event date draws nearer. A progress report puts the company on their toes. They know you are watching over their shoulders and expect them to deliver.

There may be things they have to do before the day of the event. Making them send in progress reports keeps you informed on their progress and you get to know when you should push them so that they will be on schedule. You should also take time out for onsite visits just to reinforce the idea of the progress report. In this case, you are coming to see things for yourself. If it is possible to place milestones i.e. things that must be achieved before a certain date, do it.

In this way, you will have a well-oiled machine that is consciously getting prepared for the event day. This will also serve to give you a level of assurance in their ability. One very important thing this will do is to give you a way to go for a plan B. That is, they may show through the onsite visits and progress reports that they are not just lagging behind but are incapable of successfully handling the job given. This acts like an early warning system telling you in clear terms that it is time to look for another company to takeover.

They too will be aware of this and will want to show that they are competent enough to handle the deal. This will serve to strengthen your position because either ways it is going to work for you. That is, if they are not up to it, you can quickly find a timely replacement and if they are, you have the right people of the job.

The Mistake Of Having No Oversight Function On Event Day

Another mistake you might make is not to have an oversight function on the event day. This is not you personally handling every aspect of the even including the one you contracted out but you having a system in place that puts a tab on them and every other aspect of the event. It will serve you well to have an ear (rather than a hand) on what is going on everywhere. The company you outsourced to would be giving you reports and you will take a the position of a coordinator.

Holding such a position will give you the ability to quickly respond to issues as they develop while still keeping tabs on other aspects of the service.

You can outsource services to specialized companies but is has to be done with care so that it would be a thing of success for all the parties involved.

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