If you are a service company that receives outsourcing jobs, your success could depend on how effective you are at running it. such companies are usually specialized. They may be a social events security unit, ushering firm or customer care call center. Each business that comes your way is a new test and most time your success or failure is measured by how the last business you did went. I have go ahead to list 8 things that can be done, incorporating all in order to run a profitable and effective company that services are outsourced to.
Macro Managing
The first thing is your ability to macro manage. This in its classical sense is frowned upon but not in this industry. A lot of trust has been invested in your firm to deliver. It is a service, which usually means you have direct access to the clients of your client (the company that hired you). You cannot afford to fail because it could mean loss of business for you and your client.
Another reason why macro managing may be practical is that you may not have too many jobs on your hand. It is not even advisable to have too many jobs on your hand unless you have the capacity to handle them. The point is, you have the time to make sure you oversee every facet of the service being provided from the point of planning to the point of execution. If it is an event, it may take you and your client weeks to plan ahead. You know what aspect of the event you will be handling and your staff should be geared up for it.
Macro managing the event (aspect of the event you company is handling) will give added confidence to your team and make sure that everyone is on their toes and fully concentrating on the task at hand.
Getting Competent Hands
Another aspect of running a profitable and effective service outsourcing company is that of getting competent hands. Their qualification should not be in doubt. Have an eye for those who go the extra mile to do certificate courses in areas like, project management and customer care or in areas that are specifically related to the kind of service your company specializes in.
Getting competent hands goes beyond qualification. You should have an eye on how they handle field operations. That is, how they handle themselves and the job when they are on it. You would of course need to train and retrain your staff because continued education in the field gives you an edge over the competition. Another thing is that you could have peculiar ideals that are related to your company. These are things that your staff will need to imbibe and as they build in competence, you will be able to single out those that could handle more responsibility to get the pressure of macro managing off your back. they could serve as the second layer of control and be reporting to you directly while they have oversight functions in different aspects of the service you are providing.
Working Within Your Strength
Do not bite off more than you can chew even when it is your area of competence. Making a success of your service outsourcing company may mean you may have to turn down some projects simply because you do not have the capacity to carry it out without it backfiring. Stick to your level of strength and only take on more after you have increased your capacity. In this way, the likelihood of failure is reduced to the barest minimum. Remember that you are as good as your last job and having a good outing in a “small” gig is far better than dropping the ball in a big event.
When you work within your strength your credibility and reputation increases as you deliver on that level. The more success you have, the more jobs will be lining up for you. Do not jump ahead of yourself. Make sure you build capacity before taking on tasks that are presently beyond you.
Having Contingency Plans Like Extra Hands On Standby
Having a contingency plan is the hallmark of service outsourcing companies that become successful. If you are deploying a particular number of people to an aspect or area of your service, make sure you have one or two in the reserve as backup. Have a backup plan when you already know what might possibly go wrong so that if it does, you already have that area covered.
A contingency plan leaves your client impressed even when it is not deployed. It is like saying I have got this covered but if it fails, this is what we will do. You will leave them impressed enough to “bookmark” your company, meaning they have found someone they will use again if ever they need the kind of service you provide. This is the extra that you can bring to the table that your competition may never think to do. If you are bidding for a contract and have an opportunity to lay out what you will provide, do not forget to have a contingency plan and include it in your presentation.
This gives a double assurance that things will go well with whatever you have been given to handle because they know that there is a ready plan B. on your part, always look at what you have and plan to use them with a reserve or a plan B in mind. They should be aware of the plan A and B so that they can think on their feet and act to save a situation because they have already been prepped on what to do. There is nothing as impressive as having your staff take charge and deploying a plan B without seeming to consult or dilly-dally on the matter. It tells your client that you have a team that knows their onions and you have pros around you. Always have a plan B.
Understand What Is Expected Of You
The more you know what is expected of you, the better your chances of having everything covered. You may not know this, but people hiring you are usually under greater pressure. They have many tasks on their mind and you are just one of them. So the possibility of not explaining enough or omitting something important may be great.
You can counter this by showing your competence through the questions you ask. They should be framed in such a way that it will give the respondent time to think and possibly say things he or she would have forgotten. You need the information being provided so that things are not scuttled in a manner that will reflect on you in a negative light.
Get them to be as detailed as possible and have someone take down notes
Let Your Service Be Clearly Spelt Out In Writing
The next step to what is above is that they should be able to spell it out clearly and in writing. They should not say ABC and expect you to presume that there is an XYZ. Get them to understand that everything has to be in writing so that there would be no room for subjective interpretation, which would always favor the other party.
Things that should be in writing includes:
- The scope of your work without leaving any part open to interpretation.
- What you are not expected to do even though it might be related to what you are doing.
- The duration of the service to be provided
- What you should be expecting from them
Sign Agreements Based On What Is In Writing
Only sign an agreement when nothing more than what has been explained to you is written there. Look out for the fine prints. This will ensure that all the parties involved are fully aware of what each side will have to deliver. Aside from the fact that this is the professional thing to do and that you need it to know what is expected of you, it is also important for legal reasons.
It does not mean that you are expecting something to go wrong, but if it does you have something to hold on to as proof that you met with your side of the bargain. Another reason why this could be important is that it can help build your portfolio and company profile.
Deliver On What Is In Writing
That is your working document and that is what you should do your utmost to deliver on. Delivering on expectation adds another reason why companies would want to outsource more jobs to you.
Looking at things above and following through on them will help you to start running a profitable service outsourcing company.
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