Switch Careers: Why Passion Driven Career Switching Trumps All

Every career switch boils down to anyone one of these and can be a combination of a couple or all of them.


This is when people are compelled to switch career out of necessity. Usually this is out of economic reasons.


This is when people switch careers because they want to experience something new.


This is when people switch careers because the bottom line beckons on them.


This is when people switch careers because they are driven by passion to concentrate and excel in their new career.

I will be focusing on why passion as a reason for switching careers trumps the rest. However, you can read an insightful piece that touches all the reasons above in the article titled switching careers: 4 definite reasons why people switch careers.

Passion Switch

Career switches that is borne out of passion has so many things going for it even as it says a lot the person.

  • Passion as an emotion may wane but it takes a lot for passion to die.

  • It may be neglected but can quickly revive once given the slightest attention.

Passion remains embedded in our psyche and if it stays with us long enough, or it is being nurtured at the side, it has the power to take all of our attention. This is what happens to people who decide to follow their passion while switching careers.

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They Have Been Nurturing That Passion Even While On Their Previous Careers

For instance, there is always a tendency for you to continue painting even if it is a form of relaxation. You may be climbing the ladder of success in your current career but painting is still there, on the side. There might come a time when painting will take over. This may be because of reaching a place of content in your current career that produces discontent (like having achieved so much but still feeling empty, as if there is something you have not achieved). Retirement or being laid off may push you to look at switching careers and your passion may just be the direction you want to head because of the joy it gives. This could be in contrast to the “pain” your previous career produced.

Have It In Their Genes

One reason why passion trumps the other reason for switching careers is that the person already has it in his or her genes as it were. They have the talent for what they are doing and do it naturally. They may need some addition input but those may just be inputs like business sense, setting up a structural framework for it to succeed and learning how to do that if they do not have the experience. However, they already have the gift as it were with regards to their passion.

They have a passion for it and when it is coupled with sound business practice, switching careers to their passion makes for a winning formula. They do not have to task themselves to do what they are doing becomes it comes naturally.

Will Not Be Easily Defeated

People who switch to passion driven careers find it hard to lose faith in what they are doing. They love what they are doing and the challenges that others would view as discouraging would be what they will call exhilarating.

They see things differently. Others might wonder how they could cope or handle issues such as pressure but to them, it is all part of the joy derived in doing what they are passionate about. When it comes to challenges the only other set of people that come close to those who are passion driven are those who switch careers out of a sense of adventure. Those who do it out of adventure go into it without knowing what to expect yet they take whatever comes their way head on. However, those who switch careers out of passion already have a sense of the challenges to expect and are also willing to take them head on.

Produces Profit And Adventure

Another reason why passion driven career switches trumps the rest is that you can find all of the other in it. That is, the passion driven career switch produces profit for the person. it also creates a sense of adventure even when it is a well trodden path or something they already know as well as produces situations of necessity. The passion driven career switch works to make the person experience every other reason of changing career while producing the unique sense of loyalty to that career.

Produces Career Loyalty

It can be argued that it is only passion driven career switches that produces true career loyalty. The person that switched because of profit is only in it for the money or was driven to it because of money. It was their loyalty to profit that made them switch careers. The person that did it out of necessity was forced into the new career. The person that did it out of adventure only has a loyalty to the personal pleasure they derive by chasing an adventure and not the career.

However, the person that switches career because he or she is driven by passion had always had his or her heart in that passion. They had always been loyal. This has a power of sustaining the person in that career.

Passion driven career switches trumps the rest and those who do it enjoy the profit, which is entirely subjective.

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