After completing Bachelors' degree most people whom are business oriented are faced with the question; 'should i go for MBA or should i start up a business? the drive of wanting to go for business to survive the economic hardship Versus the drive of wanting to start a business as a professional by first acquiring a professional degree to ensure that one is equipped with knowledge and having the ingredient necessary to start up a business has been contention on minds. before you take any decision, you might want to consider our points:
Emotional Intelligence
Before you start up that business, are you emotionally equipped? do you have the necessary skills to undergo the management of a business? do you have the wits? MBA enables you to be pro-active, it also lets you to be capable of singling out the problem of the business and as well as enables you to create strategies that might be quite crucial for the success of the business.
Starting Up a Business
Some people are born entrepreneurs, they have even proven to be better that MBA holders (in some cases), some people have excellent managerial skills as well as emotional intelligence without necessarily going to school talk less of acquiring an MBA. some people have learnt well from their environment, while some are talented in learning from other successful entrepreneurs and they have managed to cope very fast.
Having MBA gives you a sense of confidence which can enable you to perform brilliantly in your business as well as also imbibe the confidence into your subordinates, this will enable you to also have the feeling of 'total charge' about the business that you want to invest in.
Starting Up a Business
Having an MBA might give you false sense of understanding a business, it might, in some cases, make you quite over confident that you begin to shun the important advice of people, or just overlook important things. having MBA can also make you too theoretical in approach and you might waste lots of valuable time in making decisions. you might have been better off without the MBA and starting up your business straight after
Teaching experience
With the vast wealth of knowledge that has been acquired by professors, one can readily be assured that MBA holder will have wealth of theoretical experience, this is because the theories must have been tried various times and their successes evaluated. you can be assured that these theoretical experiences might just be what is needed to lead your organisation.
Starting Up a Business
Sadly,theoretical experience might even be of disadvantage to you largely because many of your so called professors have never practiced what they preach, they have never undergone business in its practical terms, and they might not be even fit to teach you how to start up your business in the first instance, because all they do is refer to the book. don't also forget that most business books have been got from the experiences of big merchants who never went to school.
Case Study
When undergoing your MBA,you will be taught how to make decisions based on case studies of businesses which have occurred in the past. this can help you to guide your own decisions and also make you to be more pro active, as you will not be caught unawares when situation unfolds.MBA might just be the biggest right decision that you have made.
Starting Up a Business
case studies sometimes could be pointless and basically outdated which could even be of more harm than good to the MBA holder. you might just be applying an old trick to a new problem and leaves you pretty well confused, demoralized and you might end up losing your confidence.
Before acquiring an MBA, you are given information on how to undergo businesses, you are also equipped with most information you will be needing to undergo your business, this will eventually help you to start up your business successfully. they also provide room for further research, this greatly helps!
Starting Up a Business
you might be surprised that too much information could even be dangerous for you, you end up being too careful and not taking too many risks which is the bane of a business. in addition, no one really tell you what you want to know when undergoing your MBA as you are limited to what the teacher wants you to know, whereas you have access to make adequate research on information that you really want to know about if you are just all out to start your business.
MBA or starting up your business, the two are a great option, there is really no big deal in getting an MBA or starting up your business, you have have to be very wise when making that decision, going for your MBA now might cost you that vital time and opportunity of starting up your business right away, but then again, starting up your business right away without being equipped might send you crashing. wanna know my opinion to this? strike a balance! go for a part time MBA and start up your business (if you have the funds) or start up your business first then go for MBA later (if you have funds for only one option). the two are quite important, above all, follow your heart!!!
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