You do not have to sentence yourself to a career-life of self hate if you believe you made bad career choices and you hate what you are doing right now. For those who do not like where they are right now but cannot just leave, these tips below can give you something to get back at that career.
I cannot recall who said this, but I recently heard someone quoting another person, saying that the best revenge is to look good. This is what we want to adopt for those who find themselves in careers that they hate but for one reason or the other cannot get out of it. We want to look at 4 things they can do to get the better of their bad career choice.
Number 1 thing to Do: Accept
You are now behind bars. You can no longer live in denial. Everything is staring back at you and however you chose to take it will not change a thing. It is time to accept it as fact even if you refuse it as destiny. Accepting it is the first step to knocking it out because Mr. Bad Career will not see you coming.
Benefits of Accepting it
- You get to get that 'agro' off your mind and chest.
- It gives you time to check out your surroundings. This is important and every fan of Prison Break knows this.
- It prepares you for the next stage of giving Mr. Bad Career a sucker punch.
Number 2 Thing to Do: Engage
I was going to use interact but I felt there is a better movie quality to “engage” than “interact”. Where were we? Okay, the second thing to do is to engage your environment. This is what it will do to Mr. Bad Career
- It will lower your guard.
- You get to see its weakness.
- You get to know what buttons to press to get desired responses.
- You get to be included into their cults and you know their secrets.
Engaging your environment will open doors of opportunities that you never knew existed. You want to escape this career but that can only happen when you are at a position of strength. You cannot come to thought position without engaging your environment.
Number 3 Thing to Do: Excel
You start to excel. By the way, you must make up your mind to excel in this because the sooner you do that the sooner you will be able to turn things around for your good. Your engagement is meant to give you an opportunity to understand the terrain so that you can excel. There are some things you have to note about excelling .
- Do not dissipate your energies by attempting to excel in every area
- Engaging the environment would have made you to know the places of strategic interest. You now know the right buttons to press, meaning that is the area you will excel in that will give you the greatest results (I must interrupt this news bulletin to announce that everything we are talking about here must be ethical and I hope Prison Break has not given you any ideas; let us resume normal transmission).
Number 4 Thing to Do: Dictate
You can only dictate after you reach a level of excellence where your influence matters. Note that we did not say leadership but influence.
- A position of influence is more strategic than that of leadership.
- You get to influence leadership without being seen.
- If it works, the leader promotes you.
- If it fails, the leader might get sacked.
- If he or she does not get sacked, have a ready answer to why it failed.
You can only dictate after you have excelled. It is at this point that you can deliver the sucker punch.
Some Notes of Interest
- You would have had opportunity to leave before now, especially at the stage of excellence.
- You can leave if you want to, or you can stay to follow the plan through and still leave afterwards, which is the objective of the plan, although there was a tingling of hope that you might just begin to love what you hate and decide to stay after all.
Bad career choices can become stepping stone to great positions in the future. You can also grow to the point where you get to leave when you want to or become something of significance in that same career. The first thing is to accept it and deliberately take steps to make sure you make the career work for you.
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