Team Building: How to Identify Potential Leaders in Your Team

Potential leaders can be found in every team. Identifying such people early will help in their subsequent development to become valuable members of the organization or group. Leadership traits can be found in anyone but it is more developed in some than in others. This could be due to their environment or some other natural trait. The tips below can help identify those within a team that can have future leadership positions.

Identify the Big Influence-rs

A person in a position of influence does not have to carry the tag of an official team leader. There are people who have a knack for being in a position of influence. One thing that should be recognized with positions of influence is that they can be either negative or positive. Identify the people that others give some kind of deference to in their interaction. People can influence others negatively and it’s important to be able to identify such people so that proper action can be taken early before real damage can be caused People who can influence others negatively are reverse leaders who lead people backward rather than forward. However, it is important to be sure they are influencing others negatively because there could be a just cause for an action. They could be great future leaders or bad influences at the present time.

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Gauge How Others React to the Person

A potential leader would draw some kind of reaction from others but the thing here is that the reaction does not have to be good. Others, one or two people within the group may react to such a person as if he or she is the competition. Take note of the people that react in such a manner to the person. If the have an official position of authority within the group or team, there is a likelihood that they sense others are gravitating towards this person and that their position is under threat. However, the reaction can also be positive.

Do Other Members Of The Team Seek Their Opinion Even When What He Or She Says Will Not Really Change The Status Quo?

This is another indicator of leadership quality in that person. Having to refer to that person to hear what they have to say especially when what they say will not change anything as such indicates that the person has their respect.

Do They Go To Them When They Just Want Someone To Listen To Them?

This may be an indicator of some degree of leadership quality in the person. There are of course people in a team that are not official leaders but even leaders go to them to talk. They could just have that soothing ability of empathy or being able to listen well. He or she could just be someone everyone is comfortable with and this may indicate a level of leadership quality. Having good listening skills and people finding it easy to talk to you could is a quality that certainly qualifies the person to have a position of influence. Others would be willing to hear their response and advise because they took time to seek them out to unburden themselves.

How Do They Handle Their Expertise?

How they handle it when they are in the area of expertise could be an indicator of leadership ability. There are people who show in their attitude that they may not be able to handle the attention and seeming adulation based on how they conduct themselves when their expertise is required and they execute it commendable. There are people who allow their sense of importance to get into their head. There are leaders who do not have any known expertise as such but they are excellent in relationships and commanding the respect of team members.

There are different qualities that make up a good leader. They do not have to be loved but could have good judgment and ability to read situations correctly and take measures that can resolve critical situations. However, looking at the tips above could be a strong indicator that such a person can be developed to assume leadership position.

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