Ebola Virus Outbreak: The Cause And Cure

It is no longer a news that Ebola virus disease is currently causing turmoil in some West Africa countries. First, what is Ebola Virus Disease? According to the World Health Organization (W.H.O) Ebola virus disease (formerly known as Ebola Hemorrhagic Fever) is a severe disease, often involves  fatal illness, with a case fatality rate of up to 90%.

The fruit bats of the pteropodidae family are now considered to be the natural host of the Ebola. Although it can be controlled through the use of protective measures by medical professionals, the Ebola virus outbreak can badly devastate families and the community at large.

The Ebola Virus is One of the world's  most virulent  and fearful diseases. According to medical experts, the virus can be contracted through direct contact with an infected patient (individual) and even when an infected male recovers from the disease after being treated, he can still transmit the disease through sexual intercourse at least 7 weeks after treatment.

One of the reasons for the wide spreads of the Ebola epidemic in West Africa is because of the poor state of health of an average person  compared to that of an average American.

Lack of access to basic health care instruments (sterilized equipment, hand gloves, masks, gowns etc)  to protect oneself, contribute to the risks especially in areas where there are reports of outbreak of the Ebola virus.

The Origin Of Ebola Virus

Ebola Virus was first discovered by Dr. Peter Piot in 1976, a young medical  scientist from Belgium, (now a Director and professor of the Global Hygiene and tropical medicine) who traveled to a remote village Yambuku in the Northern part of Democratic Republic of Congo (then known as Zaire) to find out the reason why people were dying from the Disease.

In the past decades, there have been reports about of Ebola Virus in Garbon, Uganda, Congo before the new outbreak in Guinea which has killed at least 70% of the populations.

2014 West Africa Ebola Outbreak

The 2014 Ebola Virus Disease was first discovered in Guinea in February 2014. Since then the disease has spread to Liberia, Sierra Leone and Nigeria. Presently about 923 patients have died from the disease while over 1,603 are infected in 4 west African countries.

The 2014 West Africa outbreak has been described as the deadliest compared to previous incidences.


How To Prevent The Ebola virus

Since the outbreak of the deadly disease, rapid measures have been taken by various governments and World Health Organization (WHO). Its Director General Dr Margaret Chan has visited Guinea, Liberia, Sierra Leone, to adequately strategize preventive measures for the Ebola Virus.  She confirmed on July 31,2014 that the body will donate US$100 million  for a response plan as a part of the campaign to combat or bring the Ebola Virus outbreak under control.

The Health Care Sector Response

Government of the affected countries, Guinea, Liberia,  Nigeria, etc are  responding to the direction of the Director General of the (WHO). For example, the ministry of health in Nigeria is taking adequate measures to prevent further spread of the disease. The minister of health, Dr. Chukwu explains: "all ports of entry into Nigeria, including airports, and land borders are placed on red alert and ministry of health specialists have also been positioned in all entry points. Active surveillance has also been stepped up" to identify possible infected carrier of the deadly disease Ebola Virus.

Although there is no antiviral medications that has proven effective in treating  the deadly disease, the following are measures that can reduce the spreading of the virus:

  • Wash your hands with soap and water always.

  • Avoid close contact with any infected patient (individual).

  • Avoid any object used by any infected person

  • Avoid eating bush meats

  • Follow infections control procedures

Follow up, the various procedures recommended by medical experts, while you try to stay away from contaminated area or infected patients.
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