The Ebola virus, which was named after the Ebola river in Zaire, first manifested in Sudan, and Zaire afterwards. Resulting in the death of over 50% of the people infected. Over time, cases of the virus outbreak have been reported in Central and West African countries like Sierra-Leone, Liberia, Uganda, Cote d'Ivoire and recently, Nigeria. But what is Ebola?
Ebola is a virus, which causes a medical condition officially known as Ebola Virus Disease (EVD). Its outbreak has mostly been identified in developing countries and poor communities where there are little or no health infrastructures. It starts with symptoms of fever and degenerates to hemorrhaging from all crevices of the body. It takes 2 days to three weeks for the Ebola Virus Disease to result in the death of its victim. So far, there has been no known cure for any one that contacts the virus. Experts have revealed that this deadly virus can kill up to 90% of its victims.
Where Did it Come From?
Some people believe that the virus must have emerged from a US military biological weapon lab in Sierra-Leone. According to the Navy Times, the Ebola virus has been a subject of interest to the US military, since the 1970s, as a potential biological weapon. The U.S Center for Disease Control actually owns a patent on a single strain of Ebola known as EBOBUN, which was given to them in 2010. Even though, the strains of the Ebola virus raging in Africa is not the same as the one the U.S CDC have a patent over. Yet, what could be the reason for the U.S CDC to own a patent over a strain of Ebola?This could be a basis for the opinion that some of these deadly viruses are being created by the West, in their quest for new chemical and biological weapons. One example of a case of the use of bio-weapon by the west to the detriment of a large number of people, is the use of depleted uranium in Iraq by the U.S. Another case is the Agent Orange used during the Vietnamese war.
It is said that the virus can be contracted by eating bush meat. One would ask, have people not been eating bush meat before now? I, for one, can not keep count of the amounts of time that I have eaten bush meat over the years. So, why is it now that the eating of bush meat has become dangerous to human health. It makes me begin to wonder, what if the bush meats, monkeys and other animals that are said to transmit the virus to humans were tampered with? What if these animals were exposed to materials they shouldn't have and resulted in them carrying this deadly virus that is threatening to become a global epidemic.
A Means of Cutting The Population?
Some people are saying the New world Order wants to reduce the world's population by 90%. That is why they are creating deadly viruses like Ebola and releasing them to the public, in order to control the population. Some even claim that the disease is now airborne. In 2012, studies showed that the virus is able to travel between pigs and monkeys in different cages.Be that as it may, the disease has taken its toll in some African countries and it is reported that some American doctors in Sierra-Leone were flown back to their country when they detected syptoms of the disease in them. According to reports, the doctors are now responding to treatments. This means that the virus is real, the following still remain facts regarding the Ebola Virus Disease:
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