Every goal has a time-frame and this influences the planning and strategy to adopt. The way you plan what you are meant to accomplish in a day would be different from how you would plan what you are meant to accomplish in a week. In another level, the input would also be different so that each would reflect the complexities involved.
Developing a time management plan for quarterly goals is only different from any other time management plan because of the duration as well as the input, which could be related to the complexity of the project.
Why Develop Such A Plan
Most businesses think quarterly because it seems to be the smallest unit of measuring or reviewing their results. This may have been derived from financial regulation but there are no fixed rules to the completion of a project. Your organization may just demand that of you and make it part of their structure while submitting quarterly reports and reviews.
Quarterly goals would need a time management plan that would fit it. It is interesting to note that such plans are derived from the project execution plan. It works side by side with how you want to go about completing a given task of that nature since it is time-bound.
The consciousness of time helps to keep the project aligned with the target of the organization. By using time as a key indices of evaluating each stage of the planning and execution of the project, it ensures that the project is completed before the given period.
It helps in the devise and deploying of the best strategy possible to fulfill tasks within a given period. This in effect promotes creativity within the organization as well as allowing room for the best minds to shine.
A time management plan builds the team that have been given the responsibility of the project. They get to work together to achieve common goals under pressure. This builds team-spirit as well as expertise.
It is a cost effective measure to adopt as they get to find the quickest solution to resolve issues. At that level of business enterprise, prolonging a project or extending it is usually associated with spending more on the resources that are being deployed. Using a time management plan will help in eliminating areas where time would not be used in a profitable manner.
Steps to take in setting up a time management plan for quarterly goals.
List The Goals And Objectives
This is basic. You will be listing the objectives because it could give you ideas on how to go about planning the whole project.
Identify The Obstacles For Each Goal
It might not be so difficult to list possible challenges and obstacles to doing something you are already familiar with. Listing the objectives will give you an idea on the possible areas where challenges would crop up. This is the time to know the real issues that could cause a delay and proffer solutions. The obstacles are the real issues that have to be dealt with if you want to meet the goals at the given time. Doing all this invariably helps you to manage the time taken to complete the project.
Create Solutions
The solutions you are looking for are those that have both time and cost benefits. You would naturally be working with limited resources. The best solutions would have to use the most of the resources that will help you deliver within a given time frame. Time is key factor here as well as cost because you would be operating with a budget in mind. The ideal solution may not be the number solution as it were because that could cost you more even if it will take a shorter time. It is all about finding the right balance.
Break Down The Goals, Obstacle And Solutions To Monthly, Weekly And Daily Sub-Targets
This is a way of making the task smaller. It will help you to manage it better as time management has to be an hourly affair. Breaking the goals down to weekly and daily tasks gives you definite targets for the day and week.
The daily targets have to meet up with the weekly targets while that would have to meet up with the monthly which will turn be in line with meeting up with the quarterly target. That is after the week, you must have accomplished 1/4th of the monthly target and so on and so forth.
Break Down The Obstacles Into Monthly, Weekly And Daily Obstacles
Every sub-target has sub-obstacles that have to be addressed. Breaking them down like this also means that your solutions have to be broken down to deal with them at this level. you are in effect, reducing everything to its building block and starting from there.
Meeting, reporting, monitoring and reviews should be factored in as the project kicks off. You get to be on top of the situation and can easily respond to new developments.
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