How To Hold It Together Under Cross-Examination During Oral Presentation

Business proposals usually go through different stages before they are accepted. One stage, which is arguably the most important, is when you are asked to make a defense of your proposal. The people asking you to make a defense have already gone through the proposal.
  • They are prepared to hit at issues raised

  • You will naturally not know where they want to touch upon or how they are going to do it
This is a time when you have to hold it together or else your aspirations will come to an unceremonious end.

Anticipate Areas That Might Need Clarification

Being the writer of the proposal and knowing what the company is looking for, you may be in the right position to be able to anticipate areas where they will want to focus. It might be on pricing, method of service delivery or suggested milestones.

Oral Presentation
The fact is you should have a ready answer and the only way to do this is to anticipate and prepare for such areas when they crop up. The obvious question here might be what should you do if you had not anticipated a question. 

An obvious answer is that you can bet that most, if not all the question will be hinged on the service they want and how you intend providing that service. That is, it would be related to the subject matter. Study the subject matter and you might not find it difficult to answer any question that crops up.

That is, concentrating on your proposal as well as the service you are expected to provide will leave you quite prepared to answer any question that is thrown your way.

Having A Point Of Reference Pad Around You

This may sound unnecessary but it is one of those little things that have great practical use. There are cases where they will be the one referring you to the pages of your proposal and asking questions from there, having a note may not be necessary in such cases. However, having a reference notepad around will keep you organized. It also serves as guide in cases where you are interrupted.

Never Show Impatience

Do not show that you are impatient. It is important that you do not come across someone that has low tolerance levels. You may be the only expert there but be ready to repeat things you have already explained. Act like a teacher who loves his or her job. On the issue of repeating what you have said earlier, it will be better if you repeat it from another angle or in another manner.

The issue could be that they did not understand you when you initially explained it so repeating it in another manner could help to make them understand. Showing impatience points to personality flaws that might go with the project you are looking to win.

Avoid Being Defensive

When it looks like you are under a barrage or under siege as it were, avoid sounding defensive. The best way to handle to situations could be to absorb and deflect.


Take what is being said at face value. That is, appear to agree with it initially even if it looks like you will be shooting yourself in the foot if you do.


Then parry it by showing where they are right or where that would be true if applied. You can list the areas where what they say applies before showing why it does not apply in your area or what you presented. There are instances where you do not have to point out that it does not apply in your area because it will be clearly evident after you have pointed out where it applies. Being defensive in such a situation may point to personality flaws that might work against you. 

Do Not Be Aggressive Or Shut Down Any Objections

You have be diplomatic in the way you address objections even if they appear to be an affront. Applying the concept of absorbing and deflecting can also work in this area. Another way is to ask them a question as if you need to get some clarification but the question should be the type that will allow them to talk for a while or explain something. This will serve to give you breathing space to gather your wits while cooling them off at the same time. You must not antagonize anyone but show that their contributions were intelligently made without condescension.

The whole idea of keeping it together under scrutiny is to show self-assurance. They will be able to see that you can handle pressure without balking and that you will indeed deliver as far as your proposal is concerned.
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