How To Hit The Big Budget Business Proposals

You might be in a business where the kind of proposals you would be submitting will be related to jobs that would require you to have enough resources at your disposal to pull it through. Presenting a good case for yourself would also require you to be ready to backup your claims as to the resources at your disposal to handle the job.

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Stating your case in your proposal should be done with care and finesse because a lot could be hinged on it. you can decide to start in a descending or ascending order when stating your resources. Your resources will include, qualification, experience and staffing.


Your qualification is always important because you are the point man. Complex business proposals at this level usually have input from several people who are of course members of your team. When the project has to do with team, the qualification of the members of the team should also be factored in.


The same rule applies to experience. The collective experience of your team will go to push your case. You will have to look at the nature of the business you are bidding to secure and highlight the experiences within your group that best serves to help your cause. It not what you have but how you present it that matters when it comes to drawing up a winning proposal.

Staff And Other Resources

Your staff strength, network and partners you intend using in providing the service should be factored in the business proposal.

Big budget projects can be complex and the business proposal you are drawing up should reflect your capacity in dealing with the complexities. The importance of the proposal cannot be over emphasized because it is usually the primary document that will be used to consider your application. The competition will be doing the same thing and the people doing the consideration would have to set up a unified means of assessing each proposal.

The nature of big budget projects usually means that the difference between companies bidding for it are marginal and every little advantage can sway how their decision. It will be unfortunate if your company is the best placed to deliver on a service but you still lose that contract because your proposal did not match your ability.

Nature of Big Budget Business Proposals

More Comprehensive

Big budget business proposals are usually thicker. That is, they tend to be more exhaustive than proposals that is done by an individual. It is usually expected to be exhaustive and the vetting process that is put in place by those that issues out the request for such proposals are commensurate with their expectation. It is definitely not a proposal that is written by an individual.

Covers More Areas

While simple business proposals may just concentrate on a few areas, the same cannot be said of big budget business proposals. They tend to cover a wide area. I must note here that this difference does not take anything away from the fact that business proposals should always have an arrowhead. That is, they should have something that serves as a focal point. It may be pricing, quality assurance, capacity to deliver or any other aspect of the business proposal. The same rule applies in knowing what they client wants and customizing the proposal to highlight that area. Therefore, even when more areas are covered in big budget business proposals, the guiding philosophy behind all business proposals can only be ignored at your own loss.

The company in question are still looking out for those that will be able to answer the core question of meeting their need where it matters most.

Supporting Documents

Big budget business plans would tend to have supporting documents that are not included in the main business proposal. They will also be drawn up and can be several inches thick but they will be on standby to forward on request. If they are not forwarded on request, they might still come to the fore during a physical defense of the proposal. This is when you are giving the floor and you can submit them as you address each segment of the proposal.

Use Of Executive Summary

The size of big budget proposals make it practical to adopt executive summaries. This may not be need in some type of business proposals but it makes for good organization and navigation when it has to do with proposals that pile up in inches. Executive summaries are used as tools of navigation in business documents that have many pages.

In some cases, the executive summary could be another document on its own right pointing to pages of importance in the main business proposal. Big budget proposals are usually the most complex set of business proposals that are drawn up especially with respect to the scope of the document.

Combination of all forms of proposals

Big budget business proposals could make the combination of written, visual and verbal proposals a necessity. The written is first of submitted while supporting documents could be sent on request or brought to the defense. The visual and the oral supports the written proposal during the defense..

The cost of pursuing big budget proposals is higher than any type of proposal. They could run into millions of dollars depending on the scope of the business.

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