Negotiation Using The Solution-Based Approach

The solution-based approach is a form of negotiation that presents equal options to both parties. It is an approach that points to certain key issues that you and the other party is negotiating about. This approach may come in handy in different situations, read on.

What Is The Solution-Based Approach To Negotiating

The solution-based approach is usually initiated by one of the parties and it
involves them being able to state the problem as both parties see it and come to agreement on the best solution to adopt. It applies a degree of teamwork even between opposing parties. This concept of teamwork is suggested by the person that is looking to use this approach to resolve the issue on ground.

Agree On What Is The Problem

Both parties have to agree on what they believe to be the problem. That is, they must first agree on the problem. This is a major issue because most times, the parties involved have different perceptions and definitions of what they both identify as the problem. They have different ideas about the problem.

Agreeing on what to identify as the problem is a huge step in the negotiation process and this is the first step in the solution-based style of negotiation.

Agree On A List Of Possible Solutions

The initiator also has a list of possible solutions to tackle the problem. The ideal solution-based negotiation will present an agreed upon problem and have in the list of solutions something that the both parties will agree to. If the ideal solution-based negotiation goes naturally, it could be the shortest negotiation you have ever been involved with as it can be that quick to resolve.

State the problem

This may not be as simple as it may sound, because both parties may have different ideas on the  problem. The best foot forward is to start with your definition of what the problem is. Usually this is done by a hired negotiator, yet this does not stop you from doing the job by yourself. Stating the problem as you know it is the first step on the path of a solution-based negotiation.

Agree on The Problem

This in a way, is the first litmus test. Both parties have to present what they define as the problem at the table, before coming to agreement. A lot may ride on the initiator of the solution-based system because he or she obviously wants to get the issue resolved in the best way possible. They may be the one to have to state the problem as the other party views it so that they can quickly agree on this aspect, which is critical as far as the whole negotiation is concerned.

This does not mean that they should shortchange themselves, because they do not have to operate from a position of weakness when they are stating the problem, simply because they may be the one to hold the higher ground. In such a case, stating the problem will be like stating the obvious and they want to move along to the stage of dealing with the possible solutions.

Once both parties agree on the problem, the next stage will be to look at possible solutions.

State The Solutions

Draw up a list of solutions. The person that has the higher ground may decide to include solutions that will leave the other party out as it were. That is, they might just put it there to present a kind of contrast to the solutions that will benefit both parties.

The solutions you state should benefit you, but the other party must see how it also benefits them.

Look At Their Solutions

This is an interactive event and the other party too will bring their own solutions to the table. You have already agreed on the problem. There is the possibility that amongst the proffered solutions from both parties, some of the options will mirror each other. The solution is meant to create the platform for the real negotiation to start because this is where both parties compare notes to see what will work the most.

Join The Best Solutions Into A Single List And Pick The Best Out Of The List

The best solutions are brought together and each is looked at with respect to its merit. Either one would stand out or a hybrid of sorts can be contrived out of the best solutions. The negotiation is winding down at this point.

Conclude On The Negotiation

Once the best solution has been picked, the next thing will be to draw up the necessary papers, sign and shake hands.

The solution-based approach is arguably the most pragmatic to adopt especially when the two parties seem to be on an equal footing.
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