How To Motivate Employees in Your Company

All over the world, businesses are getting more conscious of the fact that human resources are the most important of all resources a business has. Today, one easy way to wreck your business is to mistreat the people working for you. The reverse is also true that any business where workers are valued so high will soar so high.

How to Motivate Employees
How to Motivate Employees | Image credit:
Various strategies are employed by management of every business, to see that the workers are willing to sacrifice all that they can for the growth of the business. Many businesses that I know go to the extent of buying cars and building houses for their star workers. Some others sponsor their staff for vacations in beautiful places all over the world. All these are different strategies of MOTIVATION.

Motivation is anything that stimulates desire and energy in a person, to be continually interested and committed to a thing. While companies spend a lot of money to keep their employees motivated, it is important to note that motivation could still be achieved without spending anything. And this is the reason behind this piece.

As I manage people daily, I have found the following ways of motivating employees, very effective. These are simple non-costly ways you could stimulate energy in your workers and cause them to give their all. Try them and see the magic they do. Come back and tell me.

1. A 'Thank You' Note

No one ever receives enough ‘Thank you’ as to want no more of it. The phrase ‘Thank You’ will never be old-fashioned. It will always continue to do wonders when expressed from the heart. Unfortunately, it is not a common phrase in many work settings. I think Managers are yet to exploit the potentials found in this simple phrase.

A ‘Thank You’ note, unlike a Letter of Appreciation, doesn’t have to be long. The next time a worker does a good job, post a “Thank You” note on his door at the end of the day such that he sees it first thing in the morning. Write something like:
Dear Bimpe, I love the way you chaired the meeting yesterday. Everyone was happy. Thank you so much. I am impressed at your work.
Imagine how Bimpe will feel for the rest of that day and how it will affect her work.

2. A Letter Of Appreciation

Letters of appreciation in most cases go along with a little token. But it must not necessarily be so, for you to motivate a staff. As long as it comes from someone that matters in the organization and it is addressed to a particular employee, it is always powerful. Imagine receiving a letter from the Director of your Organization and it reads:
Dear Michael,
Some years back, we had serious difficulties with handling staff housing problems. Since you joined us and took up the position of Staff Welfare Officer, I have received wonderful reports from our workers, expressing their joy, and how willing they are to continue contributing to the growth of our organization. These are the kind of reports that make me know that there is a very bright future ahead of us. With you on our team, I don’t have any doubt that we shall defeat the giants and keep doing better. I believe in you so much, Michael. Keep up the great work. Thank you very much.
The Director

3. A Special Meeting

The very first time I felt really valued by my boss was when he invited me for a meeting with some external funders. The meeting was to discuss the conditions to be met by our organization in order to qualify for external funding for a project. It was my first time to attend a meeting with the Director of my company and so I was excited. During the meeting, he kept asking for my opinion on different issues. After the meeting, I felt so motivated.

For me, it was a sign of confidence that was bestowed on me. I saw myself in a company with more than 3,000 staff, singled out to attend a meeting of such magnitude when I was barely few months old in the organization and a very young professional at the beginning of my career. The feeling was special and I wanted to keep it. So I worked harder.

4. A Public Recognition/Appreciation

We had worked so hard to sign a convention with a multi-national bank in the world. I was at the center of everything. On the D-day, my Director in his public address to all the dignitaries went on to lavish so much praise on me and telling everyone how hard I had worked to see that what use to be a dream became a reality. That day, I received many congratulatory messages from leaders of my organization. My work had been brought to lime light and that charged me up for higher performance.

Public recognition is one powerful way of motivating an employee. There are many forms of it. You may want to make it a written public recognition which will be posted on the Notice Board of the main office or on the business’ website or you may want to do it during one of your staff assembly. Every time you publicly appreciate the work of a staff, you stir up so much energy in him, and leave him with a greater sense of ownership of the organization.

5. An Additional Responsibility

Additional responsibilities within an employee’s competence, sends a message of trust and confidence in the employee. It tells the employee how much value the organization places on him. This serves as a powerful motivator.

Don’t be too scared to delegate certain responsibilities temporarily or permanently to staff. As you see in the staff a sense of responsibility and some level of competence, go on and assign him additional responsibilities. He will own the organization more and do far better.

6. A Rare Trust

One day my Director offered that I join him in his car as he traveled to one of our establishments. As we rode on, he conversed freely with me about the organization and from time to time, required me to share my views on certain issues. Initially I felt uncomfortable but later I could relax and flow in the conversation. After that day, I needed no one to tell me that I was so trusted and needed not to disappoint him. I felt obligated towards him.

When you confide very important information about the organization in your staff, you build trust in him and he becomes more willing to die for the organization. Invite that performing staff to your office and have a deep chat with him on issues that concern the life of your organization. He will be so motivated.

7. A Special Treat

Special treats are not common from bosses to subordinates. In most work places, relationships between the leaders and the followers are often very formal. However, taking a staff for a treat could do a lot to motivate him.

The next time your staff does well, offer him lunch or just a ride after work. Depending on the relationship you already built, he could be excited or uncomfortable. If he is uncomfortable, give him money for lunch or for taxi. If he accepts the ride or lunch, seize the opportunity to converse with him about his private life. End up by appreciating the work he does. Watch him the next day and see the difference.

8. An Uncommon Favor

Staff will sometimes ask for certain favors which are not within the organization’s policy. Such favors are usually within the reach of the organization and will cost nothing. This is usually a wonderful opportunity for any thoughtful manager to seize and motivate his staff. The eventual gain on the side of the organization will always outweigh the loss.

A staff may need some rents subsidy, a day off from work, some health-care support, some financial support, etc. If what it takes will not very much affect the operations of the organization, don’t hesitate to give it and let him know that it is because of his hard work that he is given such a privilege. He will be much more determined to do more.

9. A Special Privilege

Just the way it feels when you ask a junior staff to join you in a very important meeting, so it feels when you send him to represent you in important occasions. Asking a staff to represent you creates in him an awareness of how much value you place on him. He will always want to work harder to attract more of such privileges. This too is a great way of motivating your employee at no cost.

10. A Special Day

Special days in the life of staff, are always excellent opportunities for you to make them feel loved and honored. When that feeling is created in them, they don’t just feel like staff of an organization but members of a loving family. Don’t miss such opportunities.

On a happy day, let the office steal the occasion. You may use the break time to do something memorable for the staff. You may decide to visit him in his office, name that day after him, do a special gift for him, or why not write a personal letter to him. Whatever you will do to make him feel special will be worth the effort. If the event is a sad one, make sure as an organization, you treat it with all seriousness. This will leave a touch that will never be forgotten, in his heart.

It does not require money, to motivate your staff. It only requires your willingness to see that they are happy. At the end, you stand to gain more than they, as the business will keep thriving in the hands of your well-motivated staff.

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