How To Start An NGO In Nigeria

A lot of people have a passion to do something meaningful for the poor and needy, the youth, widows and even unemployed people in the country. Some have made it a goal they must achieve while to others it remains a wish. Though Nigeria practices a Democratic system of government, we all cannot be in government, neither can we all be politicians. 

Starting an NGO in Nigeria |
Do we now leave all the responsibilities to government, even when it is within the power of some individuals or groups to mitigate some of these social problems and to save lives? This is the reason why many have started to realize the goal of bringing positive change to their society by setting up NGOs. 

These are organizations that are independent of the government (though some are funded by the government) and are not particularly inclined to profit making.

A Non-governmental Organization (NGO) is a voluntary group which is not under  the control of government and is not in business with the aim of making profit, but rather to meet some specific needs in the society. NGOs are mostly funded by the government of a country while in some cases, it could be funded by private individuals or groups, as well as foundations. Some NGOs function locally while others function nationally and internationally, depending on the scope of their activities. Some examples of NGOs are the Red cross Society, All Nigeria united nations students' and youth association (ANUNSA), Breast cancer association of Nigeria (BRECAN) and many more.

So, if it is your desire to better the lives of a group of people in the society, alleviate poverty and set a standard for our future generations to follow, then I'll advise that you consider running an NGO. You can learn all you need to know about NGOs and how to start in the following paragraphs.

Difference between Non-governmental Organization (NGO) and Non-profit Organization (NPO)

A non-profit organization is any organization that is established for the purpose of achieving a goal in the society and is not profit oriented. This definition is broad and it includes an NGO. But the notable difference between NGOs and NPOs is that, an NGO is a legal entity, a non-governmental organization that is mostly funded by the government but excludes the government from its operations.

In the case of Non-profit organizations, extra funds from their various activities are used solely for the purpose of the organization, unlike NGOs where extra funds could go to shareholders and owners of the organization. NPOs could be charity organizations, service organizations or even NGOs.

How To Register An NGO

A non-governmental organization must be registered with the corporate affairs commission (CAC). According to provisions of the companies and allied matters act (CAMA) 1990, it may be registered as a company limited by guarantee or as incorporated trustee.

Note that a company limited by guarantee can only be registered with the authority of the Attorney general of the federation.

In registering an NGO as incorporated trustees,

  1. The process starts with an availability check. This is a search for the business name to see if there is any other business entity currently registered by that name.

  2. Once the business name is approved by the corporate affairs commission, it means you can proceed to the next phase which is the procurement of an application form containing the memorandum of guidance.

  3. You must do a publication of notice of the incorporation on at least three national dailies, one of which must be a local paper which is usually circulated in the area where the NGO will be located.

  4. The final stage is submission of the completed application (in three copies) to the corporate affairs commission.

Requirements For Registering An NGO in Nigeria

When submitting the completed application form at the corporate affairs commission, you must go with the following:

  • Application letter (formal)

  • 2 copies of applicant's constitution

  • 2 copies of application form duly signed by the chairman and secretary of the board

  • Original newspaper publications

  • 2 passport photographs of applicants

  • Bank draft of N20, 000 in favour of CAC, payable in Abuja

  • Detailed minute of the meeting where the board of trustees were appointed with a list of attendance as well as absentees, along with votes and duly signed by the chairman and secretary of the board

  • Also minutes of the meeting where the special clause rule was adopted into the constitution of the organization signed by the secretary and chairman of the board
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