Top 10 Richest Pastors In The World

Have you ever been wondering to know about the top richest pastors in the world and what their worth are? Then you are not alone, Here i will be talking about the 10 most richest pastors we have in the world and their assets.

10. T.B Joshua

Nigeria's most controversial clergyman is one of the pastors and most philanthropic. T.B Joshua heads the Synagogue Church of all Nations(SCOAN), a congregation he founded in 1987, which accommodates 15 000 worshipers on Sundays.

The pastor has remained controversial for several years for his explicable powers to heal all sort's of diseases, including paralysis, cancer, and many others. For miracle craving worshipers. its the perfect seduction. The church currently has branches all over Africa, Asia, Greece and the United Kingdom.

Net Worth:$15 million

9. Mattew Ashimolowo

The founded of Kingsway International Chirstain Centre (KICC). Starts his humble beginning at Four Square Gospel Church, a Nigeria Church that sent him to open a satellite branch in London.

Today, his KICC has reportedly the largest pentecostal Church in the whole of the United Kingdom. His source of his wealth is said to have come from varied business interests including his media company, Mattew Ashimolowo Media, which churns out Christain literature and documentaries.

Net Worth:$16 million

8. Billy Graham

America evangelical Christian Evangelist, William Franklin ''Billy'' Graham, Jr. The Southern Baptist evangelist rose to celebrity status as his sermon started getting broadcast on radio and television. He has conducted many evangelistic crusades since 1948. He is now world renowned televangelist ranking millions of dollars.

Net Worth:$ 25 million

7. Kenneth Copeland

He runs Kenneth Copeland ministries, one of several televangelists whose finances were investigated from 2007 to 2011 by Republican Sen. Grassley of Lowa.

According to an article that run by the associated press that ran in 2008. ''His ministry is 1500-acre campus, behind an iron gate a half-hour drive from forth worth includes a church, a private airstrip, a hangar for the ministries $17.5 million jet and other aircraft, and a $ 6 million church owned lake-mansion.

Net worth: $26.5 million

6. Creflo Dollar

He is an American Bible teacher, pastor, and the founder of World Changers Church International, located in fluton, Georgia. As his name suggest preachers ''manna'' comes in the form of green back.

His success is from his ministerial establishment around the United States. Creflo Dollar International Conventional Association, Arrow Records, and the Creflo Dollar ministries are jointly overseen by the TV envangelist and his wife.

Net Worth: $27 million

5. Chris Oyakhilome


This is the man behind Believer's Love world Ministries, aka Christ Embassy. The charismatic preacher was recently at the center of $35 million money laundering case in which he was accused but eventually cleared his siphoning funds from his church to foreign banks.

Christ Embassy, boasts over 40, 000 members, several whom are successful business executives and politicians. Oyakhilome diversified interest include newspapers, magazines, a local television station, a record label, satellite TV, hotels and real estate. His Loveworld TV Network is the first Christain Network to broadcast from Africa to the rest of the world on 24hrs basis.

Net Worth: $50 million

4. Benny Hinn

Israeli televangelist, Toufik Benedictus ''Benny'' Hinn his best known for his regular '' Miracle Crusades'', revivals meeting/faith healing summit that are usually held in large stadiums in major cities, which are later broadcast worldwide on his T V programme. ''This Is Your Day''

Net Worth: $52 million

3. Enoch Adeboye

This messenger of God was listed in an African magazine, NEWSWEEK, as the most powerful man in Africa and one of the top 50 global power elite in 2008/2009, among others such as president Barrack Obama and Nicholas Sarkorzy. Pastor Adeboye heads the Redeemed Christain Church Of God(RCCG), something he has been doing for the past 28 years. Among his possession are private jets.

Net Worth: Estimated $55 million

2. Bishop David Oyedepo


He is a Nigerian preacher, founder and presiding pastor of Winner Chapel Known as Living Faith Church Worldwide. He has been hailed as Nigeria's wealthiest pastor and got lots of properties like; four private jets and homes in the United State and in England. After the foundation of the Living Faith Outreach IN 1981, It has evolved to be one of the largest congregations in Africa and has a flourishing mission in Nairobi.

Net Worth: $150 million

1. Bishop TD Jakes

Bishop Jakes lives in a $1.7 million mansion, he has been called America's best preacher and has featured on the cover of TIME Magazine. He is a writer, preacher and movie producer.

He is the pastor of the Potter's House, a non-denominational American mega church with 30, 000 members located in Dallas, Texas. TD Jakes wear custom made suits and a diamond ring the size of a coin.

Net Worth: $150.2 million
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  1. I praise God for blessing his servants. However, this survey doesn't portray the whole truth about the subject matter. A man of God like Prophet J.B. Joshua who features in the tenth position here is in fact the richest of Pastors in the world. Here, he may be worth $15000 but he is, as a matter of fact, worth more than all the wealth of the other nine put together. The difference is found in his ''ministry of giving'' I hope that other preachers will emulate TB Joshua in sharing with the less privileged what they receive from God rather than piling up wealth for themselves here on earth.

  2. Mendi Franco, you may be right but $15 million is still a lot of wealth by all standards. What baffles me most is the source of these wealth by pastors who are not business executives?

  3. Chai,how come these men of God made this kind of money.?

  4. I have no respect for any pastor that has huge amount of monies like these. It's a true saying that Christianity has long become business. Non of these pastors perform any miracles, non of them make cripples work, non of them make blind men around the world see. What a corrupt planet we live really, and you wonder why people don't believe in religion any longer.

    I like all the money grabbing people listed above to tell me where and what part of the bible did Jesus himself get paid for all the wonderful works he had done.

    You all Disgust Me.

  5. Bcos their Father owns heaven , on earth and everywhere in between

  6. I agree. These are not pastors, but business people. What makes me cranky is that so many people blindly give money to them. They are the snake oil salesman of the church and prey on people's need to believe that they can be rich and 'blessed' by God. Let me ask you why these men in particular have the ear of God? They are just good marketers. If you are dumb enough to give money to them, then I guess you get what you deserve which is nothing. The only ones getting rich out if this is them. A better path to wealth is to get an education, gain experience and then go into business for yourself. Stop thinking that God is going to make you rich cause he ain't. Prosperity doctrine is the lazy person approach to richess based on false hope.


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