To create a successful YouTube channel requires uploading series of videos from time to time. Whether the channel is talking about your products and services or it is a tutorial that teaches people how to do stuff, you need to get the work done professionally.
Apart from the cameras that are needed, you will also need editing software that can yield the needed results. Below are a list of software that can prove very effective when it comes to video editing.
The following are ten of the video editing software that will get your work done effectively. Please note that they are not listed in the other of efficiency, they are there for you the reader to make an informed decision based on you, your purse and the type of video you want to edit.
Pinnacle Studio 16 Ultimate
This software has an attractive interface, a multitude of video effects and the ability to upload directly to Facebook, Vimeo, Box and YouTube. Many who work with videos have favored Pinnacle Studio because of its versatility. While it is one of the more expensive options in this list, and it doesn't have 4K UHD support, Pinnacle serves as a nice middle-ground option for those who aren't slackers in the video editing department, but who cannot be particularly described as professionals.
AVS Video Editor
An edge that AVS editor has over the other video editing software is the fact that it has more transitions and effects, about 700 transition effects that come with this software makes it possible for the video editor to task his or her creativity without much stress. In addition the video editor possesses 34 templates for disc Menu 46 text options. Interestingly and surprisingly AVS simple to use and customize. Users need only drag and drop any of the effect into place.
Apart from the fact that it is user friendly AVS is quick and easy to use for experienced and green horns alike. Some of the formats that the software supports are HD, MPEG, AVI, WMV, QuickTime, Adobe Flash, mobile video, Real Networks and WebM files, among others.
Adobe Premiere Elements 11
Adobe Premiere Elements is easy to use for those who were familiar Version 11 of Adobe Premiere Elements comes with new effects, such as cinematic FilmLooks, slow motion and speeding up. Elements takes the best features of Adobe’s professional version of the software, Premiere Pro, and makes them simplified and user friendly.
Users also have the ability to share video with Vimeo, meaning your masterpieces are just a click away from a massive online audience.
Final Cut Pro X 10.0.3
Although it is fast becoming scarce and difficult to get from the market, Apple’s video editing software Final Cut Pro X 10.0.3 has speed as its own edge when it comes to video editing. In addition to that the software has a friendlier interface, auditions for alternate clips, good organization tools, powerful new multicam support and support for both Thunderbolt and studio-monitor output. While you can’t import projects from previous Final Cut versions without a third-party plugin, this new software is a consumer-friendly upgrade to a pro-level Mac editor.
iMovie 11
For Mac users who want a simple video editing software without the bells and whistles, there’s iMovie 11. Easy drag-and-drop functionality makes cropping and adding music a breeze, and previewing the resulting video in real time makes it easy to ensure that you got the right shot.
While it may not have the latest and greatest features, iMovie packs all of the basics in an easy-to-master interface for a relatively cheap price.
Corel VideoStudio Pro X6
Despite being the cheapest option on this list, Corel Video Studio Pro X6 is simple to use without sacrificing power. Features such as motion tracking for moving effects, even better stop motion controls, an enhanced screen capture utility and a subtitle editor with voice detection make this a low-risk purchase for amateur videographers who still want quality.
The software supports 4K Ultra HD video and is the only available option for creating HTML5 interactive web movies.
CyberLink PowerDirector
CyberLink has one of the most impressive arsenals of tools -- and it's still easy to use. Interestingly, it is very affordable. The recently revamped interface is intuitive, and the features are “content aware,” meaning that they analyze raw footage for things such as shakiness, lighting and faces to create a better final cut. There is also added support for 4K video content.
Magix Movie Edit Pro 2013 Plus
Magix Movie Edit Pro Plus is one of the lease expensive platforms on this list, and for the social butterfly, it might be one of the best options. With direct upload capabilities to Facebook, YouTube, and Vimeo, its stunning interface, movie trailer templates and multicam editing capabilities can make even amateurs YouTube famous.
The downsides? There's a trimmer that can be confusing, no 4K support and too many licensing prompts, which can be a drag.
Adobe Premiere Pro CC
As the industry leader in video editing, Adobe Premiere Pro CC comes with a redesigned timeline and Paste Effects, which allows you to copy and paste the effects you need from one clip to another, making your editing faster and more efficient. Other new features include new sync settings, the ability to browse through your projects to find and combine clips faster, closed captioning features and improved multicam editing. And as part of the Creative Cloud, it’s backed by the Adobe Creative Suite, integrated with Behance and can be synced across multiple workstations.
Sony Movie Studio Platinum
3D capabilities help Sony's consumer-grade video editing software to stand out, and the precise editing and solid rendering speed make this an excellent option for consumers.
Other features include YouTube sharing, DVD and Blu-Ray compatible, and an excellent Picture in Picture preview.
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