If I had a Blog since three years ago, I would have become one of the biggest Blogger in this country by now.
If I started blogging since last year, my blog must have grown by now, competing with some of the best in the industry.
I wanted to create a Blog four years ago but though it was a waste of time and resources, look at me now, people that started then had become successful Bloggers and I'm here wasting away.
My friends discouraged me from Blogging three years ago and today, I'm just starting like a baby when all my mates have become recognized Bloggers, making thousands of dollars on monthly bases.
I am a fool - the greatest fool of all times! I attended seminar on Blogging two years ago but though it was one of those unworkable business opportunities that people organize seminars on just to make money off innocent and unsuspecting job seekers. One of my mates who started then is now making thousands of dollars and his blog in growing everyday - where I am to start from now?
These and many more are what I hear everyday from people who had the opportunity to become a blogger some years back but failed to make good use of it. They are everywhere and you may just be one of them. Have you had the opportunity in the past but failed to utilize it? Here is yet another opportunity for you to become one of the best and biggest blogger in the next three years.
Blogging has become one of the biggest revolution in the world and on the internet. It has redefined Journalism and transformed information sharing forever. Blogging has brought about the biggest transformation in online education and changed the way income is earned on the internet.
Some of the world's best Bloggers are so successful at what they do that they have created businesses and revenue that is bigger than some of the fortune companies around, earning millions of dollars from what many people would consider a no job.
Granted, it's never easy churning out thousands of worlds daily, creating new ideas and presenting different dimension to subject matter in the process. Only the gifted can Blog! However, the joy and personal satisfaction that comes from creating something as valuable as contents that stands the test of time far outweighed any hardship you may experience. Content is king and the creators are king makers.
Blogging is fun. I can't imagine doing anything that stops me from blogging, it's one of the funnest adventure I've ever engaged in. Two things I'd never stop doing on the internet - creating Blog Posts and Playing the Domain Game.
How about you? What are you doing now about blogging? Do you have any plan of staring yours today? Or you wants to wait a little longer? Are you still skeptical maybe bogging is worth it? Or you think you can't blog, that you don't have what it takes to become a successful blogger? You think you can't just write because writing is difficult?
All these are lame excuses and none of them can stop you if you decides to do it. Once you start a blog and able to grow it to some reasonable extent, your revenue becomes constant, so constant that you can afford to earn without doing a thing. There was a time I stopped posting new content on one of my blog for a whole year but find out the revenue never dropped for a day!
Two reasons you must start a blog today -
1. You get to be recognized - The value of sharing your ideas and expertize on a subject is so much that you get to have huge followership of people who enjoys what you do. People who loves and respect you and can't do without listening to you and if you're extremely good at what you do, your name will go places.
2. Unstoppable Income - Making money has never become easier than as it is with blogging. You can market anything through quality content. $2,000 monthly is a very realistic achievement for average bloggers. While those that are very good at the game makes tens of thousands of dollars monthly. So as you can see, it's a game worth playing
If you fail to start yours now - by the next three years when some of your mate who started now starts earning the rewards... I wonder what you gonna say to yourselves then? The best solution against future lamentation is to start now!
+Darlinton Omeh
How do i make money from blogging rather than posting information which i always assume its free while i'm the one wasting my useful time. Pls i want to know more sir.
ReplyDeleteThe information Bloggers post is consumed without costs Just as searching with Google and using Facebook doesn't cost a dime but it doesn't stop Google and Facebook from making money. Blogger make money with their blogs the same way uncle G and FB make money with theirs :D
ReplyDeleteI am a dairy farmer in Ontario Canada.Ihave been looking for alternate ways of earning money,as last year Isuffered from a near fatal aneurism.Now due to extensive brain surgery.Ihave been left with severe paralysis on my left side of my body..I own and operate a successfull dairy operation milking about150 cows in southern Ontario.I am extremerly knowledgable about the dairy industryin this province,andwoul want to know if there would be an opportunity for me to earn somextra incomeby bloggin,,as my physical ability's have been somewhat compromised,leaving me less able to do physical farm labour,and more time forother things such as rehab,or possibly blogging!
ReplyDeleteHello Michael, Sorry to hear about your situation! Just understand that life is much more important, once there is life there is ability. You can Blog since Blogging doesn't require physical exertion and it's a wonderful way of creating income stream through your experience.
ReplyDeleteYou can turn your experience in the diary industry into blogging, providing people who can engage in the business vital information that would assist in their business. Cheer!
Kinda off topic, but @Michael, if you really ve faith, come down here in Nigeria..and I believe You will be healed
ReplyDelete@Omeh Thanks for all that you are doing. Am a student and am trying to start up one of these businesses you are always posting. But I will son get there. Please don't stop posting. GOD BLESS. @Michael Dont give Up on life. I recommend The Healing School for you. God bless.
ReplyDeleteHello Darlington, i think some things on this article apply to me. I have known about blogging for some years now, and even created a blog with blogger, but abandoned it. Please i want to take this business serious now. I have already decided my niche, but i want your advice on what blogging platform to use. I am conversant with blogger, but not so in tune with word press. Do i start with blogger or take the time to learn word press. I plan launching the blog early April. Thanks
ReplyDeleteYou are welcome Donald. Starting off with Blogger.com is a good idea, it will give you the freedom to concentrate at learning the rope of blogging instead of spending much time learning some technicalities. It will ease you the stress of managing a webhost - after all, WordPress and Blogger aren't far from each other
Deleteplease mr Darlinton,like to start blogging.but dont know how to go about it.......maybe seminar or tutorial from you?