However, it is easier to make customers than to keep them. Keeping customers is even a more challenging art to master. But here are some easy ways to excite your customers and keep them satisfied and glued to your business. Most of them will not cost you anything.
1. Call Them By Their Names
Knowing your customers by their names and addressing them as such whenever they come to your business is an easy but wonderful way to excite them. It only takes you being committed to memorize their names. But when you succeed to do so, you send a message to the customers, that they are not just your customers but your friends. I say this often and it seems common knowledge. But go around and see how many business people care to do this. Also notice that you always want to go back to that shop where you are always so welcomed.
2. Compliment Them A lot
Little compliments work like magic. Only a strange human being will not love compliments. When people are complimented, they feel more self-confident and many people hardly get that feeling. When you speak greatly about your customers, their dressing, their hair-do, their make-up, their perfume, their shape, their car, their kids, etc. you will win their hearts. This works even more for female customers but everyone loves compliments. Use it very often but don’t flatter. Just look for some good thing about each customer and talk about it.
3. Have A Customer Day
Dedicate one day every year or every 4-6 months and call it “Customer Day”. Tell your customers about it and make them anticipate for the day. Make the day a memorable one for all your customers by preparing a little package for each of them. If they have children, target your package to the children. When you do these, the children will always remind their parents to take them to your business.
4. Surprise Your Customers
Most people love wonderful surprises and your customers are not different. Your customers will feel so close to your business when you can go that far to build a relationship with them that goes beyond just buying and selling. If you have an inventory of your customers, send them text messages on special days of their lives. You could as well call them or give them a special gift on such days, if you are really close to them. The rule here is that you identify with them on important days in their lives, in a way they did not expect. But whatever you do, do it in the name of the business.
5. Honor Your Customers
Just as it is wonderful when you identify with your customers on special days of their lives, it is also wonderful when they identify with you on such days. Your customers will be glad that you honored them on a special day of your life and made them feel so important in your life. Recently I attended the wedding ceremony of the Principal of a school in one of our big cities. In that program were some parents of students of that school. When they were recognized during the program, they felt so elated and honored and I could see the bond between those parents and the school, solidifying the more.
If you produce dairies and year calendars for your customers, find a space to put down the names of your best 10 customers of the year.
6. Consult Your Customers On Some Decisions
One of the biggest honors you can give anyone is to make him/her feel his/her opinion is priceless. When your customers feel they have something more than money to offer to your business, they feel like part of the business and they are more excited about it. Even when you don’t necessarily act on their counsel, they will still feel honored to have been consulted. Make a habit of always asking your customers questions pertaining to the business. Questions like: What do you think about our prices? What do you love most about our business? How can we serve you better? And so on.
7. Give Your Customers Free Products/Services

There are so many simple and practical ways to excite your customers. The above are just a few. I know you will try them and I can assure you that the result will be a mighty increase in your business. If you know some more ways which you will love to share with others, make them as comments below. Also read my post titled "What Your Customers Are Looking For" and you will see the 4 key things customers are after.
By Kadzem Claude
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