Everything Counts In Sales and Customer Services

Think about it! Customers are the most important ingredients in any company's success. Without customers, nothing else matters. There would be no need for executives, accounting, marketing. maintenance or any other components of a company.

Also, nothing happen anywhere in the world until a sale takes place. And salespeople bring in the money that everyone else can eventually live off. 

The sales and customer service experience begins when either you or a customer picks up the phone or walks in the door. And the experience doesn't end until long after the product has been delivered. In fact, it never ends!

Here's another profound truth: Customers scrutinise how you treat them after the sale as much as they evaluate you while they are making a decision to buy. it's as if they put you under a magnifying glass. They are closely watching how you  handle every situations, especially the difficult situations.

Remember: Everything counts when it comes to earning a customer's loyalty.

Here are four specific things that your customers say they will never forget about doing business with you:

Customers Do Not Forget Attitudes

This includes the attitude of everyone in your company that they deal with - the receptionist, the secretary, even the driver or messenger who delivers your products to their offices. Each member of your corporate team is an extension of the sales and customer service experience. any any person involved in this chain of events that has a sour attitude or even doesn't care about customer service will spoil the whole experience for your customer.

The good news is that customers also remember the people who are pleasant to work with.

Customers Do Not Forget Your Promise

Your business is based on trust. when you lose a customers's trust, there is really no basis for continuing the business relationship.
keep your words plain and simple. No pie-in- the-sky promises. under-promise but over-deliver. Earn your customer's trust and their business all at the same time.

Customers do not forget how you handle any issues or misunderstandings

An issue or problem is always an opportunity for your customers to remember the professional way you handled an uncomfortable situation. In fact, when customers have an issue or misunderstanding, more than at any other time, you and your customers have an opportunity to develop a bonded relationship.

Effective communication and conflict resolution skills are great tools in handling customers' issues and misunderstanding.

Customers do not forget what happen after the sales

The best marketing tool available to you is your customer's satisfaction after the sale. You can really set yourself apart by becoming an after-the-sale customer champion. A satisfied customer will many times have more business to give and will be glad to give it to you...if you earn it.

Remember the "small stuffs" like your customers' company name or operating protocol. Think how you could stand out by remembering customers' name, birthday, personal interests and something about family members.

Don't forget your customers after you have made your most recent sale.
Your customers will be more loyal to you if your sales and customer service team develops a "no matter what" attitude, keeps it promises, quickly addresses issues, and take care of them after the sale. If you do all these things, they will be glad to come back for more!

Remember: Everything Counts!

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