Most Powerful But Common Mistakes You Must Avoid

As Consumers, we are subjected to a relentless barrage of marketing. What is the goal of marketers? To turn wants into needs. Marketers know that consumer behavior is driven largely by emotion. So advertisements and the shopping experience itself are designed for maximum emotional appeal.

The book Why People Buy Things They Don’t Need says: “In planning a new purchase, a consumer often develops elaborate fantasies surrounding search for an item, finding it, and making it their own.” Some experts suspect that buyers can get so excited while shopping that they may actually experience a rush of adrenaline. Marketing expert Jim Pooler explains: “If the retailer can sense this emotional state he can tap into it and take advantage of the customer’s elevated arousal level and weakened defenses.”

How can you protect yourself from becoming a victim of clever marketers? Put emotion aside, and compare marketing promises with reality. Here are the promise from marketer and the reality a consumer has to know:

The Promise by marketer: Improve Your Quality of Life

It is natural to want a better life. Advertisers bombard us with messages that all of our desires better health, security, relief from stress, and closer relationships—can be achieved by making the right purchases.

The Reality Check

As our number of possessions increases, our quality of life can actually decrease. Additional time and money are needed to care for more material things. Stress levels rise because of pressure from debt, and there is less time sharpen your ax as it were by planning ahead so that you can make the most effective use of your money set aside or eliminate nonessential tasks, which do little more than consume money , time and energy. If you find that you have money on hand don’t get caught up on your work, by thinking ahead you increase your productivity and like a wise workman who sharpens his ax

The Promise by marketer: Gain Status and Prestige

Few people will admit that they make purchases to impress others. However, Jim Pooler notes: “When people shop, a very important aspect of their behavior is that they are competing with friends, neighbors, coworkers and relatives. A wise business man doesn’t let mere desire take the rain of his life especially desire that may be unrealistic or impossible to satisfy. Hence don’t be seduced by clever marketer or easy credit which in effect is not supposed to be, rather you’re to be proactive, for this reason, advertisers often show products being enjoyed by successful, affluent people. The message such advertisers send to consumers is: “This can be you!”

The Reality Check

Defining our self-worth through comparison with others creates a never-ending cycle of dissatisfaction. When one level of aspiration is achieved, the next level immediately becomes desirable.

The Promise by Marketers: Define Your Identity

The book Shiny Objects explains: “A common way we tell others who we are (or would like to be) is through our use and display of material possessions.” Marketers know this and work to associate product brands especially luxury brands with specific lifestyles and values.
How do you see yourself, and how do you want others to see you? As stylish? As athletic? No matter what image you want, marketing promises that if you simply buy the right brand, you can adopt the brand’s identity as part of your own.

The Reality Check: No product purchase can change who we really are or give us admirable qualities, such as honesty and personal integrity Prepared a –to do list things that are important and urgent or both, keeping in mind, that what is important like buying food for dinner for example may not necessarily be urgent and what may seem urgent may not be important.


Four Rules to success

  • Know what you want: Don’t be coerce into buying what you don’t need or fake item all in the name of market strategy, because the aim of marketers is to convince you to buy at all cost.
  • Know the route and rules: Be acquainted with the items you want and be sure to do market research and deliberation before concluding on the items to purchase and be conversant with the terrain of the business you’re engaging into
  • Keep moving, if you stop you don’t get there: that’s the ultimate goal spirit
  • Take risk:

Risk taking is an inevitable trend in business, any business without risk is not worthwhile.
Say no to the good so you can say yes to the best, because opportunist will see opportunity in every calamity while pessimist will see calamity in every opportunity, you can’t grow a business by accident what a man’s mind conceive and believe that he achieves.
With the outline and point above I strongly believe that you’re on a pedestal that will make it convenient for you to effectively make purchase of your business  in soundness of mind. 

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