Importance Of Distribution
Distribution is one of the best ways to generate a competitive advantage at the market place,thus is costly and secondly is difficult to set up.Nowadays, there is a tendency for entrepreneurs to go worldwide right away."There are online tools to reach folks all over the world with a single click of the mouse or tap on the touchscreen." But before going global it is rational to identify who the product/service is targeting. The above mention key channels can help reduce cost and make it more easier to distribute. Below, those 3 key channels are explained as follows:
The Customers:
These are they people that consumes, whatever product or services that is available to fill their immediate needs. For instance, Unilever is still functioning today in Nigeria market is as a result of the customers, buying its products. Also,the reason why Etisalat, came to Nigeria despite that they have being some existing telecom network service providers is because they discovered that they can still get market for their products and services-The Customer. So, no matter how great a products/services are; If the consumers do not need or use it, it will be a huge how do the product get to the final user?The Products/Services:
Having identify a target audience, the next step is to provide the right product/services that they customer needs. Remember,people can only agree to part with their hard earn money on a product/service, if only it solves their problems.How could the product gets to the final user?The Distribution:
This is the process of placement that helps make the product/service available to the final user. if you have great product but it can not reach your target audience that short fall has defeated the aim of your being in business. Profit making/maximization is the sole purpose of any business enterprise.Research: carrying out a market survey, using a questionnaire to help determine who, where and what your target audience requires.this can help you reduce the high cost and difficulties that goes with distribution.
Having discover the right market, it is very important that one worked on locking up its distribution outlets,which can be done through innovative package strategy, advertising support and numerous dedicated display points.
Innovative packaging: Finding a way to present the product/service to be appealing can enhance its distribution speed. Take Omo blue detergent for instance ,its being available for some while but it went through an innovative repackaging which helped it to stand competitively with newer ones and it can be distinguish at any display stand.
Another example, is First bank, the establishment has been around for over a century but the way it was innovative repackaged its products/services makes it to still be in business up til date. when, one sights their building alone, you can easily know it is first bank get an innovative package strategy to help distribution.
Advertising: The power of advertising can never be underestimated, it can help push distribution and increases sales. Thereby helping an entrepreneur to achieve the desired aim of being in business. As, you are trying to push your products and services, do not overlook your local market.
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