Your business area is the environment in which your business is located. More than that, it is a collection of similar businesses in the environment in which yours is located. In an area that has ten saloons, one would definitely be the saloon other saloon owners in that same locality dream and wish they own. That would be the saloon that others would try to mimic and they will always be playing catch-up.
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How would you like to be the owner of that number one saloon in your business area? Read on for more.
For the record, this may apply to any small business owner.
Research: Put on Your Trekking Shoes
You are not about to write a business proposal to a bank and even if you are, the research I want to look at could be of immense help. Do something really practical by taking a survey of the land you are about to conquer. Take your time to look at other saloons in that business area before setting up shop. Do not look at them with jaundiced eyes or presume that you are already better than them before owning an inch of floor space in that business area. Rather, be as clinical as possible. You are a General that is about to deploy your arsenal into a theater of war. Do not take anything for granted and respect the enemy.
Determine the Best Saloon
Get to know your number one enemy. They should usually be the one that is the busiest although based on mindset you can say the one that is the most posh or exclusive is the best saloon. We will have to settle this right here. What do you define as a profitable saloon? Let me answer that, the one that is the best in everything and in every area as far as saloon services are concerned.
Pick the Best Thing Working for Every Saloon
Building from where we stopped above, find what is working for every saloon in that area. You must make up your mind to see the good i.e. at least one thing that is good about every saloon in that business area and carefully note them down. This will also test whether you are prejudiced or using jaundiced eyes to look at them. You must find something good in even the worst of saloons in that area. There are some you would find several things, list them all down.
Get Your War Council
Get your war council together and table your findings. Discuss each saloon, state your findings as it concerns the good only, and say nothing of the bad. This is important; focus only on the good. Something on the war council: the more professional the better for you as you will need people who can ask the right questions.
The war council is not about showing “support” which in this case is just another name for “do not say anything bad about his/her idea”. You are not in kindergarten class where you have to be commended for just about anything you do. In fact, your war council should deliberate designate a “devil’s advocate” i.e. one person in the group that is just there to shoot every idea down or find something wrong with everything (this could be quite fun and practical as well as help keep the tension down since everybody knows he or she is the designated pain-in-the-behind).
The relationship between you and your war council is that of a person that can be fired on the spot (or shot at) if they show any inkling of wavering or not being sure or weakness. That is, they are there to keep you on the straight and narrow with respect to strategy, budget and everything else. They are there to hold you accountable even when they do not have a dime in the business.
The Building Blocks of Your Saloon
The building blocks of your saloon should be the sum of the good you saw in every other saloon in that area. Find a balance and then create something extra by adding several things that are lacking in the other saloons. You can then say I came, saw and conquered.
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