Etiquette: What You Need to Know (Introduction)

Etiquette according to is defined as; "the customs or rules governing behavior regarded as correct or acceptable in social or official life", it can also be defined as; "a conventional but unwritten code of practice followed by members of any certain professions or groups: medical etiquette".

Professional Etiquette
Professional Etiquette | Photo credit:
Etiquette is unwritten code of behavior expected in a certain setting according to a norm within a group or society. In any social setting, there are accepted rules of behavior upheld and enforced by legal codes, and there are also norms of behavior mandated by custom and enforced by group pressure. An offender faces no formal trial or sentence for breach of etiquette; the penalty lies in the disapproval of other members of the group. Every group  or society possess an etiquette, that every person belonging to that group or society must know what is expected from him towards others and from others toward him.

Etiquette is not the same all over the world, it varies from culture to culture, region to region and from country to country. It is essential for an individual to behave in a responsible manner acceptable to the society. People around us must not feel embarrassed by our behavior and one should not behave irrationally or illogically in public. Human Being is regarded as a social animal and it is really important for him to behave in an appropriate way. Etiquette refers to behaving in a socially responsible way. So, etiquette is referred to as guidelines which control the way a responsible individual should behave towards others in the society and how others behave toward him.   

Need for Etiquette:

1.  Etiquette makes you a very cultured individual in the society

2.  Etiquette teaches you how to interact with people in a modest way

3. Etiquette makes you appreciate the differences in peoples' culture

4.  Etiquette helps in building ones personality and career

5.  With good etiquette, you can create a lasting and perfect impression on people

6. Helps to maximize the benefits of group living by regulating social interaction.

Netiquette (Digital Etiquette)

Netiquette or Digital etiquette as it is sometimes called, is a basic set of rules you should follow in order to make the internet better for others, and better for you. Virtual communication is popular in the business world, so it is critical that businessmen and women have the right netiquette to maintain professionalism. It's just as important to treat people with courtesy and respect online as it is in real life.When you 'instant message', chat, or email someone over the Internet, they can't see your face to tell if you are teasing them or saying something in jest. 

Compose sentences the way you would write a letter when composing email or chatting on social sites. Use complete sentences and proper grammar, and check your composition for correct punctuation usage and other technical errors. Avoid using jargon, abbreviations and emoticons.

Types of Etiquette

Etiquette can be classified using different criteria, some are:

i. Internal and External Etiquette:

- Internal Etiquette has to do with one personal good behaviors that one is used to and exhibited regularly

- External Etiquette has to do with the way one behave towards others in the society

ii. Hygiene Manners, Courtesy Manners and Cultural Manners:

- Hygiene Manners:- Are manners one must exhibit in maintaining proper personal hygiene and general hygiene in the society at large. It is expected that, by adulthood, hygiene manners are so entrenched in one’s behavior that they become second nature. Violations are likely to elicit disgust responses.

- Courtesy Manners:- it demonstrates one’s ability to put the interests of others before oneself; to display self-control and good intent for the purposes of being trusted in social interactions. Courtesy manners help to maximize the benefits of group living by regulating social interaction. The learning of courtesy manners may take place at an older age than hygiene manners, because individuals must have at least some means of communication and some awareness of self and social positioning. The violation of courtesy manners most commonly results in social disapproval from peers.

- Cultural Manners:- typically demonstrate one’s identity within a specific sociocultural group. Cultural norm manners are learn through the enculturation and routinisation of ‘the familiar’. Transgressions and non-adherence to cultural norm manners commonly result in alienation. Cultural norms, by their very nature, have a high level of between-group variability but are likely to be common to all those who identify with a given group identity.

1. Social etiquette

2. Business etiquette

3. Corporate etiquette

4. Netiquette or Digital etiquette

5. Telephone etiquette

6. Dinning etiquette and Table manners

7. Group discussion

8. Cross-cultural etiquette and Manners

9. Workplace etiquette

10. Dating etiquette

Common Etiquette Rules

These are the etiquette rules that are accepted and practiced across the the globe, they are common to every culture around the world. Here are some of the general etiquette rules;

-  Respect everyone

- Be cheerful always

- Try to remember the name of everyone you meet

- Respond, do not react

- Do not raise your voice

- Keep control of yourself even when provoked

- Converse on phone politely

-  Do not keep scratching your body in public

- Always put your phone in Silent or Vibration mode when attending a meeting, conference, workshop etc

- Do not have favorite, treat everyone personally.

- Dress properly to suite each event you are attending

- Whenever you receive a phone for some one else, take down the name of the caller, his organization name, telephone number and pass them on to the person who was called

Despite the number of articles and books both in hard copies and soft copies readily available to everyone, a fact still remains that one way or the other those coming behind us learn good manners from us. So, it is essential that we all exhibit good manners in our everyday life.
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