Are you a game lover? if you are then surely you must have played Sony Play station 2. play station 2 console comes with brilliant adventure games that will keep your mind blowing just thinking about it even years after your first gaming expeience. some of these adventures are bash 'em up while some are shooting games. here is our top ten list of mind blowing play station 2 games ever in the history of play station 2 gaming experience.
Tenchu 1 and 2; Birth of an assassin: Tenchu is a classic ninja game that will keep you full of suspense, the stealth killing will really impress you as well as the numerous missions. you play as Rikimaru, Ayame or Tatsumaru with the aim of trying to restore honor to their master. this game gives you sleepless night just thinking about going back to play and a 'ninja' feeling when you are walking on the streets. the repetitiveness of killings makes it a bit boring and sometimes it becomes too predictable, aside that, its a great game!!!
Devil may cry 3: this is an awesome 'bash em up sword style' and 'shoot em up' game that will leave you wanting to play more. if you are a lover of 'shoot em up' games and sword slashing too. this game will keep you at the edge of your seat and will really give you that satisfaction if you are a freak of 'shoot' game. the only downturns are that you are gonna be doing a whole whale lot of shooting and slashing especially when you are facing a boss, this could be extremely tiring and you might end up not finishing the game because you gonna be tired of shooting and slashing.
Siphon filter dark mirror: classic beautiful shooting game, you play as agent Gabe Logan, a highly trained precision strike operative, you are expected to play as a team on surgical strike missions that are too sensitive for a military team, and too deadly for civilian intelligence forces. this game will leave you gasping for breath and you end up being addicted and wanting more...the downturn? you need to be an expert before you pass through some stages which means that you play the game more often and this could be tiring.
Evil dead 4: chilling creepy lovely game, this game gives you an intense gaming experience that's gonna last a long while in your memory, it leaves you with creepy feelings and makes you wanna freak (really bad too) if you have a naughty family member or friend that creeps on you and gives you a loud 'BOO'. this intense action packed game might end up either giving you sleepless nights or nightmare (or whichever comes first) but bottom line is that its gonna stick on you like spread on bread. the experience is wholesome, and what more? you might end up sleeping with your lights on. fantastic!
Medal of honor: this shooting game is a wholesome shooting experience that gives you the first hand soldier view of the world war 2 happenings. this game gives you an intense soldier feeling and you end up watching more soldier films and searching for more information about the world war as well. this game gives you a unique gaming experience which is both educative and informative. lovely gaming, lovely experience.
God hand:God hand brings to you all the best ever combat styles you ever wanted in gaming! it gives you the pleasure of choosing the different styles of combat that you want, there are also a lot of side games to it (casino, racing, etc). it leaves you grappling for more, you end up not going to that important function any more and staying at home playing this fun game. highly addicting.
Red dead revolver: if you are a lover of cowboy shooting, then have no doubt, this game is for you. it brings to you a rich west story line and leaves you wanting more even when after you have completed the game. it is indeed a very beautiful game that gives you that rich gaming experience that you hunger for. lovely game play!!!
Grand theft auto 'San Andreas': this is a game that gives you a real life fun experience, as you play around the city of san andreas, you meet with different people, races and gangs. you play as Carl Johnson, a young man that escaped the troubles of San andreas and had to return five years later as his mother has been murdered, his family fallen apart, and his friends heading towards destruction. CJ's conquest is to gain respect and take over the streets. this game sees you playing on the streets of san andreas, joining gangs, going on missions, etc, its gonna keep you rooted on your seat for a long while, you might even end up becoming 'a CJ' in your dreams when you sleep, classic!!!
Onimusha 3: this game brings so much entertainment to your doorstep that can last you more than a life time (in your memory of course), it gives you a complete gaming experience. you play as samanosuke (a samurai from another time dimension) as well as jacques blanc (a french officer in present time). they are two heroes that need to travel through time to stop the evil Nobunaga and his hordes of darkness. nice gaming experience, absolutely awesome!!!
God of war 1 and 2: this game is quite electrifying and leaves you wanting more. when you start with the first, you find yourself running to the market to get the sequel. it is a game that comes with a total package, its enjoyable, interesting, and what more? gives you one of the finest gaming experience. this game is rated 1st on our list largely because of its rich story line and it is quite addictive.
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this is our best shoot em up, bashing, slashing adventure games ever on play station 2, whats yours?
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