HTML Tutorial For Beginners-All YOU Need To Know

Hypertext markup language (HTML) is the authoring language used in creating documents in world wide web (www). It is consisting of angle bracket tags like this (<!DOCTYPE html>). The semantic structure of your browser is enabled by HTML. Your browser reads, and understands HTML coded documents, and therefore, interprets it to your page viewers. Cascading sheet style (CSS) and extensive stylesheet language were later added to ease the burden of HTML and to specify it's function.

Getting started.

There are two choices in getting started. Using the adobe weaver software from, or doing it manually. The advantage of doing it manually is that it gives you the control over the web page more than the software would. We will be looking at steps that will enable you to code by hand.

  • Use a simple text editor to compose HTML text file, e.g  notepad or any other text editor.

  •  Write the  words, my first web page.

  • Save it as plain text.

  • Do not let the text editor  give you the choice of words to save it with.

  • Create a folder with the name HTML.

  • Save it as "myfirstpage.html"

Now you are ready to go. But remember, HTML uses a variety of tags, attributes and elements to define the structure  and layout of a web page. And to get it right, "careful" is the word. You have to bring the following segments together to form a body.

Page titles.

Titles are critical in giving users a quick insight to the content of a webpage. Therefore, you need to get it right following this link


Paragraphs convey in details the contents of a title, making the body a message aligned in a readable sequence. Therefore, it is important to get the coding right. And to do that follow this link


Headings give summarized definitions of whatever a web page contains. There are HTML tags to make your headings stand out. They are h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, and h6 h1 etc. You only  need to change your code following this link


Both ordered and non ordered lists work in a way to highlight the meaning of a context on your web page. HTML uses u1 tag to define unordered list while ordered list is defined by 01 tag. Each list item shares the definition of tag 1i. To get it started you need to change your code following this link


HTML is a hypertext language-which means that the text is linked. Moreover, the world of internet does not have a room for solo. And for that reason; HTML defines link with the anchor tag a. But to make it effective you have to add this code to your documents.


Images contribute immensely to the beauty of every web page. That is why graphics is an integral part of web designing. HTML uses the img tag for images. It is available here


Different number of tags are used in tables, making it ideal to copy the codes to your documents first, then learn the tags and how they function individually. Here is the link


Forms work interdependently, needing other programming language to execute a task. E.g a form could define a task, but will need another programming language to define action (what to be done). However, the HTML forms tags are basically forms, select, textarea, input and option. The full option of forms lies here

Add it up.

When you have added the preceding codes respectively, you are one step close to your goal. Therefore, get ready to take on the proceeding task (CSS).
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