How To Deal With Unemployment

Are you unemployed? Is it causing sleepless nights? Have you lost self confidence? You are not alone. Unemployment means that you have the opportunity now more than ever before to pursue your ideal career. You will have plenty of time on your hands to get yourself prepared for the next phase of your career and future new jobs.

When you are unemployed you get to decide the direction you want to go, whatever you decide, the most important decision to make is to avoid feeling depressed about your current employment status. People who feel depressed have difficulty transitioning to new life stages. Stay focused and make a fresh new career start.

How can you go about it?

Be Patient 

Patience is the king. When you are sending resumes left and right, you will be biting your fingers off anticipating response.You need to calm down. Breathe, think about nothing. Listen to the sounds of life going around you despite the curiosity of not working. Sure enough, employers will start to respond.

Update Your Resume

If you have not worked for a while, and probably you have not updated your resume for sometime. And you are pursuing a new a job, it is advisable to update it and give current details of yourself.

Consider Your Skills

For perhaps the first time in your life, you are really free to follow what to do without your time being taken up by study or work. Make a list all of things you would really like to do.

Take Time to Read

When you are unemployed you have got plenty of time for yourself. Make do with the opportunity to read books that will broaden your knowledge.

Set  A Goal

If you do not have a job search plan, you can easily end without accomplishing anything. Make a list of of goals for everyday and tick them off  when accomplished. It would boost your self esteem, help you to stay on the track, and shorten the period of unemployment because you are focused.


It's about building relationships, not asking for favours. It takes effort, whether in -person or online through social media. However, it is not advisable for unemployed individual to remain hidden at home, burdened by a sense of isolation, fear or shame.

Be Positive

 Your attitude is critical to job success. Avoid negative people, places and things that would pull you back. Make it a daily choice to be positive and it will become a habit. A great attitude will guide you through the bumpy road ahead.

Get On The Move

Staying back in the house can reinforce isolation that comes with unemployment. Wake up at usual time, do your normal house chores, get dressed and get moving. Make a daily schedule for your job search.

Acquire More knowledge

Take advantage to enroll for online courses. This can also be a credit to what you have got before and it will make you more valuable to your potential employer.

Always remember to keep your head up in the game. You are not alone out there, soon something good will come your way.

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