It is a very interesting thing to see yourself in a video, it is quite exciting if you are featured in a TV production, in a movie or if you are interviewed by a TV person. While some have made money from being in the spotlight through TV and other video productions, others have made money too from being part of the technical crew recording the event. You can be in the latter category if you are willing.
This article is not aimed at making you a jack of all trade when it comes to television or video production. It is intended to make you a small scale investor in video production even if you have little or no prior knowledge about how it is being done. If you are ready to make money from videography, please read along.
Buy a video camera
Depending on how much you are ready to invest, a video camera should not be too expensive for you to afford. However, the brand and output should be your number one concern. Though you are a neophyte, the profession you are about to take up is relatively professional. So you should not go for types of cameras that kids play with in the neighborhood. Universally, HD (High Definition) video cameras should be obtainable. Know that the higher the resolution of the camera, the better the output and quality that you will get at the end of the production.
Camera manufacturers abound, but some popular ones are Samsung, Sony, Panasonic, Canon, Sigma, etc. Irrespective of the brand, proper handling will make your camera lasts longer.
To avoid weighing down your ace camera, it is important you get smaller ones. The added advantage to this is that you will be able to give a scene different shots when covering an event. The price list are detailed under the sub head 'budget.'
Get an office space.
This does not have to be a big and excessively furnished office. A room sized 12' by 12' will be okay for starters. The need for an office is for you to create a reference and establish a place where you will direct your prospective clients for business discussions.
The same space will serve to host your editing suite which, basically is the computer system. it will also serve as storage space for your cameras.
Get a computer system
Whether you are getting a new one, or partially used, the processor of the computer system that you want to use for video editing has to be very strong. The random access memory too has to be up to 4 gigabyte or more.
You will need as an important tool editing software. It does not matter if you are using a Microsoft operating software or you are using an apple system, editing software can work on any system. There different types of editing software, but the most flexible is Adobe Premier. Get the original version and install it as soon as possible. It is important that you get an external hard disk to store your works. Like humans, computers are not always reliable, back up your work.
Get a video editor/graphics person
There is nothing wrong if you take time off to learn video editing, but remember you have invested so much in this business that you cannot afford to waste time on training with the aim of serving the needs of your waiting customers. So pend the training exercise and get an experienced video editor. The advantage is that you will have a quality output to make your new clients stick with you. This is an odd time to experiment with peoples production by insisting that you edit it yourself, the expertise of an experienced video editor is invaluable at this stage.
Get cameramen
Being trained on how to handle a camera is not as tedious as video editing. You may therefore experiment with camera handling after receiving training for a day or two. Since you are not going to use one camera during events however, there is need for you to employ the service of a cameraman. The person handling the camera can be of either of the sexes.
You may need to get up to three individuals for a start. This is not because you need them to handle different cameras during an event, it is because there will be instances when the attention of your organization will be needed in more than one place at the same time. When you have spare cameras and cameramen, you will not be afraid to book more than one appointment at a go.
Network, Market
You may not know it, but people need 'videographers' on a daily basis. For wedding events, religious programs, product launching, seminars and workshop, low budget movie production, christening ceremony, house warming, educational documentaries...The list seem to be endless. They have cameras, but because the quality your camera possesses is not found on peoples phones, they need your service. Ensure to meet the right people who will take turn to introduce you to the right clients.
Talk to event managers who are aware of those getting married each weekend. Liaise with television producers and discuss terms of renting out your camera. Word of caution, when renting out your camera, always ensure that your employee is the one handling it so he will be held culpable in case there is damage.
Gradually, your passion for the business will grow, you will come to enjoy what you are doing while you smile to the bank on a daily basis. Till then, consider the cost implication of setting up the business of 'videography'. You can do it!
2 Units of HD cameras at $6,000 each -$12,000
3 Units of other cameras at $2,500 each -$7,500
5 Units of flood light at $500 each -$1,500
A complete computer system -$1,500
Power generator -$1,000
Office space (Depending on what is obtainable in your locality)
Total -$23,500
How to Start Videography Business
video editing
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