How to Keep Generating Fresh Content for Your Blog Series (Part IV)

This is the fourth part in the series How to Keep Generating Fresh Content for Your Blog. We are addressing several questions and this part of the series will be addressing the last issue of the question; is it a personal blog? Part I looked at laziness; we focused on discipline in Part II while Part III was on time. The final part of this section of the series will be on waning passion.

A Portrait of the Problem of Waning Passion

Love. We are not going to allegorize this. We want to look at waning passion as it has to do with the relationship between the blog and his or her owner. Waning passion has nothing to do with the blog but the content of the blog. Since we are talking of a personal blogs, which in most cases has to do with content pretty close to the blogger, the idea of waning passion may be closely linked to other issues in other areas of the blogger’s life, areas that is beyond the scope of this series.

Nevertheless, deal with your issues. This could be the simplest way of dealing with waning passion for your blog. However, waning passion for your blog could be linked solely to the blog and nothing what is happening outside of blogosphere. Putting this under consideration means we have to find out a way of addressing the issue of waning passion for writing and posting on your blog so that you can keep generating fresh content.

Interestingly, one way to remove all doubt and assure yourself that your waning passion for your blog is not necessarily linked to things happening outside your blog life is to ascertain whether you still have the drive for other things internet (as opposed to Bill Gates All Things Internet). That is, if you are still thriving in other areas of social media it could be a clear sign that your waning passion is directly linked to the blog alone and nothing else.

In other to go forward, we will have to apply the working presumption that your life is just how you want it to be and nothing outside is influencing and killing your passion for your blog or blogging in general. Granted, this may be a huge leap but it will do to say that if it is in any case to the contrary, all you have to do to get back your passion and drive for it is to deal with that issue.

How can you address the issue of waning passion for your blog when the reason behind it is solely linked to your blog?

Tap the Refresh Button

Tapping the refresh button is like deliberately starting over. This has a way of reinvigorating you as a person and attacking your blog with new-found energy. There are one or two things that can serve as a catalyst that will set you along the journey of change that will revive your passion for your blog. In this case everything we said in Part I of this series about motivation may apply. We do not want to repeat them here but we talked about financial reward, popularity and passionate engagement. you can refresh your memory by clicking through to the Part I of this series.

However, what we did not mention about them in Part I is that these three events that triggers motivation are coming from outside. That is, they are things happening around you that influences you to respond in such a manner as to drive laziness out of your system. Popularity, financial reward and being engaged by a handful of passionate followers are all external influences. We want to touch on internal influences that can address the issue of waning passion.

[caption id="attachment_2318" align="alignnone" width="700"]Waning Passion Waning Passion[/caption]

Complete Makeover I: Physical Redesigning of Blog

Complete Makeover I has to do with physically redesigning your blog. This is a way of refreshing your blog to make it look new, as if you are starting over. There are bloggers than regular do this to their blog, just as they would do to a physical estate like their homes to keep it constantly fresh. We know how doing things like adding fresh paint, new furniture or home décor can make the home suddenly livable all over again. The same rule applies to your blog. A new design and layout can revive your passion for visiting your blog and this would naturally make you to start generating and posting fresh content.

Changing the layout or design of your blog every 4 months or even seasonally could keep your passion alive. You can tie the changes to different themes or occasionally put up a new design to mark a general or personal special day (an anniversary, birthday or remembrance easily comes to mind).

Doing this regularly will keep waning passion at bay and for those who have already identified waning passion as the reason behind the lack of fresh content on their blog, doing this type of makeover could revive them. Now this might be a challenge for some because changing their templates of blog themes could mess up with other things. You will have to remember that the issue at stake here is bigger than that because it would worth your while to make the sacrifice if it would save your relationship (i.e. with your blog). Besides, the effort put into doing this would be a revival of sorts to your passion.

Complete Makeover II: Abandon Ship

This one is actually more drastic than the physical redesigning of your blog. You can call it the nuclear option and should be tried only as a final option in a last ditch attempt to save your marriage (sorry, your blog).

Complete Makeover II is you completely ditching your content and changing direction

You can leave previous content (or just ditch them). It is a new frontier, a new life. You are turning your back to the old and starting from ground zero. The pioneer mentality always has a way of pushing your passion meter over the Richter Scale. Complete Makeover II comes with ironclad guarantee; people who have tried it experience sustained revival of passion for their blog.

We have concluded with this section of how to keep generating fresh content for your blog. The series continues with another chapter. If you have any point to make, kindly do not (kidding).
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