The average number of schools per street in most parts of the urban areas is 2. Almost all the schools uses chalk on a daily basis, this means there is serious investment opportunity in chalk production in Nigeria.
If you have thought of these business as a possible goldmine, then your thought is as good as mine. Do you know you could make more than N100,000 monthly producing just on a small scale? Do you know that the demands for chalks has been on increase for the past 10years?
Various researches has proven that there is a serious need for this product in the market.
Here are some facts: School must buy chalk on daily basis. The numbers of school in the country are on the increase and will continue to increase. The market is never saturated and you have nothing to fear. There are constant demand for the products in the market, so much that you can not run out of business.
These has created a very big investment opportunity to individuals who wants to venture into small scale chalk production business. Please give it a second thought and follow this tutorial.
How to Start The Business
Starting this business doesn't require huge investment. In fact, you can start chalk production in your small room or within your compound. You don't have to build a factory or buy huge machine equipments.As little as a chalk molding machine, packaging materials like polythene bags, branded cartoons, and two personnels, one for production and one packaging, these are all you need to get started right away!
The Chalk production process itself is very simple and straight forward, everybody can do it successfully without any supervision, for this reason chalk production has been incorporated into the curriculum of almost every skills and acquisition centers all over Nigeria.
The major equipment you will need for chalk production is the chalk mold which is primary use for making the chalk to give it the characteristic shape, size and length.
Materials Needed for Making Chalk Production
The main chemical components for making chalk is a calcium carbonate a form of limestone, when it is mixed with water it forms a quick hardening paste. it is used in the art for sculpting and making casts, and for the medical use, it is used for making casts around a broken limbs.Lubricants is another material for chalk production you can use vegetable oil or coconut oil mixed with kerosene it is used for lubricating the chalk mold to prevent the POP from sticking to it
Clean Water is very important in chalk production it is used to mix the ingredients together.
Ultramarine blue (optional) ultramarine is used to darken the mixtures if you are making colours, but if you are producing a white chalk you don't need an ultramarine blue.
Machinery And Equipments Needed
Chalk Mold: This is the major equipment used for chalk Production it is either rubber or metal but it is usually with a wooden frame, but are chalk made of metal. The mold differ depending of the numbers of hole they have, some could have up to 240 holes or more.Scrapper: Scrapper is used for scrapping the surface of the chalk mold
Paint Brush: Paint Brush is used to apply lubricants on the mold before filling it up with POP
Dryer: Dryer is used to dry the chalk after it as been removed from the mold, the dryer is electrically operated and is mostly used in large scale production, but for small scale production using the sun is perfectly okay to save cost.
Hand Glove: Hand glove is used for protecting the hands during the mixture of water and POP
Packaging Materials: Packaging Materials is the nylon and branded cartoons and box needed.
Production Process
Step 1 - Pour some POP into a bucket add water then use your hand to mix it until it forms a paste.
Step 2 - Use the paint brush to lubricate the surface of the chalk mould properly. You can use cooking oil as lubricant, and together lubricate the POP, the stick, and the mold.
Step 3 - Arrange the mold then turn the pasty mixture into the mold and allow it for 15- 20mins to solidify before loosening the mold.
Step 4 - When you are sure that the mixture is formed, loose the mold and collect the chalk produced for sun drying or through mechanical means.
Step 5 - After sun drying for 2-3 days, pack the chalk into a branded carton packs and your school chalk is ready...
I hope with these few information you will be able to start your own chalk production business. Let's hear from you.
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