How To Start A Car Wash Business in Nigeria

In the big cities, car owners always want to be seen clean and crispy. They lack the time washing their cars themselves. This challenge creates a business opportunity for the wise. Car wash is a booming business, only the wise can properly harness. You can make so much from it. Why wait?

This is one business that does not require you being a professional. Just any sensible person can do this. You can equally start it small, in whatever capacity you wish. Here are certain steps to gain your place in this business.

Learn The Trade

If you are a novice in car wash business, go learn from those already in it. There is always something new to learn from the professionals. Work for free in an existing car-wash. It will equip you with all needed experience.

Locate Your Customers, Position Your Business Strategically

Who are your prospecting customers? Look out for those who can afford to comfortably wash their cars and are willing to pay for the service. Position your business among these group of persons. Look for an empty land to rent, if your budget is limited. If you can afford it, go for a garage. Brand your workshop to the thirst of your customers. Set your business where you can be reach.

Pick A Catchy Name

A catchy name always win. Let your name be simple and easy to remember. Don't do long and draggy names. What's the essence if your customer can identify with your name?

Establish A Price

Don't be too expensive, it drives away customers. You shouldn't be too cheap either, it will make people think you don't know what you are doing. Be moderate.

Sell Your Business Effectively

Use all possible online media platforms like facebook, google+, twitter etc. Print flyers with your business name, address and phone numbers included. Place adverts on local newspapers. Sell your business name. Make it possible to be accessed.

Be The best At What You Do

Customers will always come back when you are good at what you do. Don't be shabby. The secret to a successful business is doing well what your competition are not doing right.

Don't Work On Credit

If you want to stay in business, charge cash for your services. Don't toll the path of credit in the beginning. Mop all you can, re-invest in the business. 

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