We have looked at Social Media Marketing Tips: Benefits of Article Marketing, where we had a detailed look at article marketing, then we broke it down in How to build an article marketing strategy I & How to build an article marketing strategy II. The later articles gave an overall guide into the steps to take while executing an article marketing strategy. This piece goes a step further and can be regarded as an encore for the article marketing articles. It goes a step further to present an article mock article marketing campaign. We will be using the X hair cream as our product. We introduced this fictional product in the concluding part of the How to draw up an article marketing strategy.
The only thing we will not do is directly mention article publishing or social media platforms we will be using. This is meant to reinforce what we started with the article on how to draw up an article marketing strategy.
Step 1: Our Objective
The objective is to sell and build the customer base of X hair Cream, our amazing hair cream that does wonders to the hair by using article marketing.
We already know that none of the article will say “buy my X hair cream”.
Step 2: Publishing Platform Research Time
I have done my research (you can do yours). This is the guide to picking the platforms I will use.
- They must allow me to place a link either at the bottom of the article, in a resource box, or my profile that will lead directly to my site.
- The platform must be social media enabled. The more social media handles it can embed, the better for me.
- There must be no rule on allowing ads within my articles.
- The platform must have excellent SEO optimization.
- They must have lots of visitors
Notes on C, D & E
Some platforms allow you to publish while they place ads within the articles. Most placed ads yet there are those that do it in a measured manner. They hardly use banner ads, which could take attention from the articles. Rather they use Text-based ads. Remember my articles will be based on hair care, I will not want too many ads competing with the content.
A simple way to verify their optimization is to test it by picking random topics already published on the site and type something related to them on Google to see how high their platform would be positioned.
You can also check their ranking in terms of visitors (Alexia?) as well as use other web applications to find out. the density of the articles on the platform is another way of getting a quick idea because other writers will not be using it if they are drawing in visitors and the depth of articles on their platform will help to draw more visitors.
Social Networks Platforms To Embed
The first thing I will do is to use a business account instead of a personal account. If I do not have one for a particular platform I feel will do just well for this campaign, I will sign up and set one up just for it.
Step 3: Writing The Articles
I want a lot of articles. This is my strategy for having a lot of articles.
- I will take time out to get a list of titles down. The more the better for me.
- I will determine my ideal word length. I want to go for between 600 to 750 words because of D&E.
- I will write down the subheadings of each.
- I will hire a couple of freelance content providers, give them titles and the plan i.e. the subheadings and they will start writing.
- I will write some myself while expanding on the ones supplied by the freelancers. I want the article to have 1200-1500 words.
Notes on A – E
I need a lot of articles since I will be posting them in multiple platforms. I need a lot because I want to have a level of critical mass on each platform. I am looking at least 10 on each for starters and can double that if my budget is up to the task.
Giving the freelancers my own titles and subheading will serve a s a definite guide since I already know I will be expanding it.
I will take time to test the freelancers. I want samples written on titles a give. They must never plagiarize (I will check each work with relevant software). They will agree that the articles are mine once paid for etc.
Another thing is that I will secretly test each freelancer because I have the mind of employing at least one on long term basis. I will test them by allowing them to suggest titles and create subheadings then do the write-up. They would have already started with me and used my format as template. From what they do, I will be able to narrow the writers down to the best. That is the one I will be working with long term.
I want my article my articles to be deep. A lot is riding on the quality of what is presented and I want to give them valuable information that will work if they use it.
My articles will cover tips on hair care, how to solve a particular problem, natural everyday things they can use to get amazing results etc
So what have we done already?
- We have set our objectives
- We have researched the platforms to use the following guidelines
- We have decided on the social media platform to create new accounts specifically for this.
- We have started on the writing of articles by hiring freelancers and expanding on what they wrote.
- We have made a conscious decision on the type of articles we want posted.
You can go to the concluding part of this here
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