Benefits Of Collaboration To Solve Conflict Between Warring Parties

There are people that get into workplace conflict and deliberately stay away from finding a solution for one reason or the other. However, this is something that those in authority will frown at. There are different ways workplace conflict can be resolved:

Resolution by Fiat

They can be resolved by fiat. This is a situation where someone in a place of authority uses his or her authority to have the conflict resolved by declaring that the hatchet should be buried. Resolution by fiat does not accommodate or take any prisoners and it usually comes with an underlying threat. In other words, the warring parties may get the boot if they do not bury the issue and start having a good workplace relationship. This could be effective in some organizations but damaging in others.

Resolution by Fault

This is when one person takes the blame for what happened. The resolution may involve some kind of act (of penitence) by the other party. It may be a written acknowledgement of wrongdoing and apology. This type of resolution may underscore the seriousness of what was committed by the guilty party and the company would insist that the agreed resolution be stuck to by both parties.

Natural Resolution

This is when things are allowed to either die down naturally or a solution crops up that seems to settle the matter. This could be regarded as an escapist’s solution that allows management to ignore tackling issues of workplace conflict. This is also one of the worst type of conflict resolution strategy especially when it comes to issues members of staff or aggrieved parties wants some degree of formal inquisition. Allowing a natural resolution is at best hopeful and can result in the deepening of the situation, escalating it to become bigger and have a wider impact on the company and workplace in a negative way.

Collaborative Resolution

This type of conflict resolution strategy works on the premise of mediation and finding a middle ground to resolve issues. The middle ground is declared to be a collaborative agreement when both parties agree in how the conflict should be resolved. It happens to be one of the most productive forms of conflict resolution for several reasons, some of which are stated below.

Benefits of Collaborative Agreement in Workplace Conflict Resolution

It Follows The True Spirit O Mediation

The whole idea of mediation in conflict resolution is to bring about an amicable solution to a problem that allows everyone to walk away from the table feeling they did not lose much but gained something. Coming to a point where they jointly look at how to come to an agreement, i.e. collaborate indicates that the mediation is already a success as far as the organization is concerned. As a unit, the organization will approve of anything that allows the unit to remain strong rather than stand divided and collaboration to resolve a workplace conflict does just that.

Such Resolutions Tend To Hold The Organization Together

Collaborative agreements in workplace conflict resolution tend to eliminate dissatisfaction and hold the unit together. There are resolutions to conflicts that can create more harm to the organization than good but collaborative resolution does not do that.

Creates Greater Sense Of Participation By All

People involved in collaborative resolution of workplace conflict tend to have a greater sense of contributing to the overall results. This is a good thing because they become more invested in the unit or group as a whole since they must matter to be needed so much. This is opposed to the resolution by fiat that seems to suggest that they matter the least and must either comply or be shown the way out.

Creates a sense of Value

People love feeling appreciated and collaborative agreement does just that. When members of staff are allowed to find solutions to workplace conflict, their sense of value to the company increases. The other side of the coin is that their sense of value for the company also increases because value has a strong tendency of being reciprocated.

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Creates Goodwill for the Organization

Internal goodwill i.e. the goodwill members of the unit or organization have for the company increases. Internal goodwill builds team spirit and pushes productivity. The company gets to reap the reward of investing their time in applying workplace conflict resolution strategies that works in favor of all the parties involved.

Regain Lost Ground

Workplace conflict drains the company in areas of resource, productivity and profit. Adopting a positive resolution strategy like collaborative agreement can help propel the company to regain lost ground as the members of the unit invest their time in catching up and surpassing set target because the conflict that brought about an impasse had been properly resolved. There are resolutions that could create more problems even when the initial one has been solved but collaborative resolutions does the opposite.

Companies should active seek workplace conflict resolution measures that will value to their set objectives. Collaborative resolution is one of such measures.

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